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Endocarditis Acute, simple malignant Chronic Valvular Lesions Broken compensation Cardiac drugs Diet Resort treatment Cardiac disease in children Cardiac disease in pregnancy Coronary sclerosis Angina pectoris Pseudo-angina Stokes-Adams disease Arterial hypertension Cardiovascular-renal disease Arrhythmia Auricular fibrillation Bradycardia Paroxysmal tachycardia Hyperthyroidism Toxic disturbances Physiologic hypertrophies Simple dilatation Shock Stomach dilatation Anesthesia in heart disease

The lateral cartilages are attached to the posterior angles of the pedal bone. They are flattened from side to side, and the portion that projects above the coronary cushion may be felt by pressing on the skin that covers it. The plantar cushion is a wedge-shaped piece of tissue formed by interlacing connective-tissue fibres and fat. It is limited on each side by the lateral cartilages.

The pulse, however, will always show the quickly lost arterial pressure of every beat on account of the aorta losing its pressure through the regurgitant flow of blood. Sooner or later, from the impaired aortic tension causing a diminished or imperfect flow of blood through the coronary arteries, impaired nutrition of the heart muscle occurs.

In all cases of sudden death think of angina pectoris and the rupture of an aneurism. Aortic incompetence. Rupture of heart. Rupture of a valve. Rupture of aortic aneurism. Embolism of coronary artery. Angina pectoris. Cerebral hæmorrhage or embolism. Mitral and tricuspid valvular lesions if the patient exerts himself.

It is possible that a true angina may be due to a coronary artery disease or obstruction, and that a collateral circulation may become established and repair the deficiency. While this probably can take place, it must be rare.

Here there is a gradual failing of the heart muscle, with circulatory insufficiency, until the final heart pang occurs. Anginal attacks before the age of 40, presumed, from a possible narrowing of the aortic valve, to be due to coronary sclerosis, are frequently due to a long previous attack of syphilis.

THE CORONARY CUSHION projects into the upper border of the wall. It is covered with vascular papillae which secrete the horny fibres that form the wall. The vascular laminae are leaf-like projections, the sides of which are covered by secondary leaves. Horny laminae, arranged the same as vascular laminae, line the wall.

Before the administration the patient must be overhauled; its administration is contra-indicated in the presence of disease of the heart and blood vessels, especially a combination of syphilitic aortitis and sclerosis of the coronary arteries, with degeneration of the heart muscle; in affections of the central nervous system, especially advanced paralysis, and in such disturbances of metabolism as are associated with diabetes and Bright's disease.

The heel of the horse is the part commonly known as the hock. The hinder cannon bone answers to the middle metatarsal bone of the human foot, the pastern, coronary, and coffin bones, to the middle toe bones; the hind hoof to the nail; as in the fore-foot. And, as in the fore-foot, there are merely two splints to represent the second and the fourth toes.

The first contact and union of the vena cava with the pulmonary veins, which occurs before the cava opens properly into the right ventricle of the heart, or gives off the coronary vein, a little above its escape from the liver, is by a lateral anastomosis; this is an ample foramen, of an oval form, communicating between the cava and the pulmonary vein, so that the blood is free to flow in the greatest abundance by that foramen from the vena cava into the pulmonary vein, and left auricle, and from thence into the left ventricle.