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It is an ancient city, older than Rome, and the scene of Queen Catharine Cornaro's exile, where she held a mock court, with all its attendants, on a miniature scale; Bembo, afterwards Cardinal, being her secretary.

Later I wait thy pleasure, Signor Rizzo; on the ramparts, or where thou wilt. This is no lightsome night for a woman a mere girl." "'A woman' 'a mere girl'!" the Chief of Council began tauntingly. Cornaro's hand was upon his sword. "Scusi!" Rizzo said, suavely, being not yet ready for the break. "I meant no disrespect but she is young to rule.

The only son of a rich merchant in Pekin, he has traveled under the wing of this Tio-King, a doctor of some sort, who is really the most stupid of baboons, and of whom his pupil makes a good deal of fun. Dr. Tio-King, since he discovered Cornaro's little book on the quays of the Seine, has been seeking to make his existence conform to the "art of living long in perfect health."

If we should consider eating merely as a means and not an end, Cornaro's idea that the normal age of a human being was one hundred and twenty years would not be such a wild dream. Another almost universally recognized requisite is exercise in the open air, or regular, systematic, simple and vigorous activity of some kind. The necessity of thoroughly pure air must be emphasized from first to last.

"When came he, and what sort of looking man was he?" asked she, frowning. "He came just after the regatta had begun, signora." "Then, God be praised, it was not HE!" said Lucretia to herself, "for at that hour, he was with me, in Count Cornaro's gondola." A faint knock was heard at the door, and the decorateur begged permission to enter.

Unluckily, as he struggled along, he was seen and recognised by a servant of Cardinal Cornaro's, who had apartments in the Vatican. The man hurried to his master's room, woke him up, and cried: 'Most reverend lord, Benvenuto is below; he must have escaped from the Castle, and is all bleeding and wounded. He appears to have broken his leg, and we have no idea where he is going.

"Nay; trust me, sweet Sister and Queen, thou hast chosen wisely," he answered with easy gallantry, as he kissed her hand and would have left her where the Lady Margherita stood waiting with troubled eyes and heightened color to receive her scarcely condescending to notice the Cornaro's homage or his gay, parting words "your fair Queen hath done this night an act that shall send her name down through coming ages, wreathed with glory."

A new edition of Cornaro's discourses on the temperate life, by William F. Butler of Milwaukee, has recently been issued under the title of "The Art of Living Long." The first of these discourses was written at the age of eighty-three, the second at eighty-six, the third at ninety-one, and the fourth at ninety-five. His treatises have been popular for all these centuries.

Finally he saw a doctor who understood the principles of natural healing. This wise physician determined that this illness was caused by a mismatch between Cornaro's limited digestive capacity and the excessive amount of food he was eating. So Cornaro was put on a diet of only 12 ounces of solid food and fourteen ounces of liquid a day.

Luigi Cornaro's left the world his story of sickness and rejuvenation. His little book may be the world's first alternative healing text. It is a classic example of the value of abstentousness. Had Jake taken this story to heart he would have totally recovered. Cornaro was a sixteenth century Venetian nobleman. He, like Jake the spaghetti baron, was near death at the young age of forty.