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There is said to be a good road out of Ashtabula; possibly there is, but we missed it at one of the numerous cross roads, and soon found ourselves wallowing through corn-fields, climbing hills, and threading valleys in the vain effort to find Girard, a point quite out of our way, as we afterwards learned. The Professor's bump of locality is a depression.

At sunset, when the camp was made outside the gates of the new city of Archelaus, on a hillock among the corn-fields, he came to his mother with his hands full of the long lavender and rose and pale-blue spathes of the gladiolus-lilies. "Look, mother," he cried, "are they not fine like the clothes of a king?" "What do you know of kings?" she answered, smiling.

At other times, these wily animals would drink in the Settite, and retire to the south; feeding upon Mek Nimmur's corn-fields, they would hurry forward to the river Salaam, about thirty miles distant, and from thence, in a similar manner, either to the Atbara on one side, or into the Abyssinian mountains, where, at all times, they could procure a supply of water.

In the New Testament translation, the Persian ‮بستان‬ is used, which I imagine is the Eastern term for garden generally, in opposition to the western ‮سانية‬. The Garden in North Africa is very different from our ideas of a garden. Corn-fields, overshadowed with the palm, the olive, and a few other fruit-trees, is the species of plantation to which the term is usually applied.

Again, we make the pretty little town of Lagny our starting point, and, having passed a succession of scattered farm-houses and wide corn-fields, we come gradually upon a miniature town, built in red and white; so coquettishly, airily, daintily placed is the City of Chocolate amid orchards and gardens, that, at first sight, a spectator is inclined to take it rather for a settlement of such dreamers as assembled together at Brook Farm to poetize, philosophize, and make love, than of artizans engaged in the practical business of life.

"Be still, thou querulous old clapper! I can see over to Hougoumont and St. John. And about forty-five years since, I rang all through one Sunday in June, when there was such a battle going on in the corn-fields there, as none of you others ever heard tolled of. Yes, from morning service until after vespers, the French and English were all at it, ding-dong."

The road led first through beautiful beechwoods, out into the open country where low banks, bright with wild flowers scabious, willow-herb and yellow ragwort divided the corn-fields, now golden and ready for harvest; up on to a wide heath where the bell heather flooded the landscape with glowing purple light through pine-woods dim and fragrant and so on until the carriage turned through a gateway, past a low lodge of mellow ancient brickwork, and entered a well-kept carriage drive.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. AT that time Jesus walked through corn-fields on a sabbath-day; and his disciples were hungry, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat. But when the Pharisees saw it, they said to him, Behold, thy disciples do a thing that it is not lawful to do on the sabbath.

He took a day off and went into "the city," and spent eleven dollars to satisfy himself that such things could really be. "I declare, Melissa," he reported to the daughter of the county attorney on his return to Hayesville, "but it was an eye-opener. The way the people poured into that place! and just to look at creeks and corn-fields and sacks of potatoes!" "Of course," replied the girl.

She was the daughter of a rich old colonel of the Empire: he was the poor son of a poorer widow. What could he do? Caspar von Hazenfeldt could gaze on the house of the old soldier; but the avenue of elms, the waving corn-fields, and the luxuriant gardens, told him that the heiress of Beau-Sejour could never he his.