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His cordiality was proof that he knew I had no wish to speak to him. He was not a man with whom it was worth while wasting politeness. "No," I said; "I haven't been away." "Why haven't you been here?" "There are more cafes in Paris than one, at which to trifle away an idle hour." Blanche then held out her hand and bade me good-evening.

Of course, any blood-relation or friend of the priests must be received with cordiality; and consequently they do not return without solid proofs of the good-natured hospitality of poor Paddy, who feels no greater pleasure than in showing his "dacency" to any one belonging to his Reverence.

The supper was almost gay and a particularly clever speech of the representative of the government, mingling the glories of the past with the successes of the future, caused the greatest cordiality to prevail. The retiring managers had already handed over to their successors the two tiny master-keys which opened all the doors thousands of doors of the Opera house.

"Why, my dear boy!" he began; but he stopped and made Lemuel sit down, waited for him to speak, without further question or comment. "Mr. Sewell," the young man said abruptly, "you told me once you that you sometimes had money put into your hands that you could lend." "Yes," replied Sewell, with eager cordiality. "Could I borrow about seventy-five dollars of you?" "Why, certainly, Barker!"

After paying his visit to the Elector at Altenburg, he agreed to treat with him there in a friendly manner. The remarkable interview with Luther took place at Spalatin's house at Altenburg in the first week of the new year. Miltitz feigned the utmost frankness and friendliness, nay, even cordiality.

Brooks he grasped by both hands with a full return to his old cordiality, indulgence in which he had rather avoided since he had been aware of the social gulf between them. "Brooks," he said, "I owe this to you. It was your suggestion. And I don't think it's turned out so badly, eh? What do you think?" "I think that you have found your proper sphere," Brooks answered, smiling.

His failings, obvious enough, were the results of a strong and somewhat pedantic individuality ceaselessly at conflict with unpropitious circumstances. Towards the young man his demeanour varied between a shy cordiality and a dignified reserve which was in danger of seeming pretentious.

The sun behind the swamp was crimsoning the world. Mrs. Vanderpool strolled alone to the school, and saw Sarah Smith. There was no cordiality in the latter's greeting, but when she heard the caller's errand her attention was at once arrested and held. The interests of her charges were always uppermost in her mind. "Can't I have the girl Zora?" Mrs. Vanderpool at last inquired.

He began by inspecting first one and then the other carefully in turn, as if he were comparing them point by point, uttering little remarks the while of so thin and weak a nature that Evadne had to make quite an effort to grasp them. She had thawed under the influence of Edith's warm frank cordiality, but now she froze again suddenly, and began to have disagreeable thoughts.

Roscoe obeyed and added two more, so that all were placed within a small compass just outside Code's cell. From Elsa Mallaby's first entrance Nat had observed her with a certain flicker of fear and hatred in his eyes. She, on the other hand, greeted him with the same formal cordiality she had used toward the others.