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"We were very much crowded, and having nothing but the cables to lay on, our beds were as hard and unpleasant as though they were made of cord wood, and indeed we had not sufficient room for each to stretch himself at the same time. "After about two weeks we arrived at New York, and were put on board that wretched ship the Jersey.

The Serbs of Western Macedonia drive two oaken posts into the ground, bore a round hole in the upper end of each, insert a roller of lime wood in the holes, and set it revolving rapidly by means of a cord, which is looped round the roller and worked by a bow.

Its main seat is the cerebrum, the "highest" nervous tissue, whereas reflex and instinctive actions usually are in the vegetative nervous system, the spinal cord, the bulbar regions and the mid-brain, all of which are lower centers. Choice, which is intimately associated with inhibition, is par excellence a cerebral function and in general is associated with intense consciousness.

They chose a nice open space near the hedge. "Here now, we will both try together, and see if we can do it," said Lili. Wili brought up his bow, and they pressed it against the ground, and then both took the cord in their hands, and tugged away till they had snapped it into place. Lili shouted with delight.

Cut away the bone sufficiently to show the connection between the cord and one of the spinal nerves. On the dorsal root of one of the nerves find a small ganglion. What is it called? Fasten the head to a small board and remove the scalp. Saw through the skull bones in several directions. Pry off the small pieces of bones, exposing the upper surface of the brain.

Miss Grayson does up the puffs on a shirring cord, then you can let them out in the washing." "That's a fine idea. You do have such splendid ideas, Cynthy." "They are mostly Rachel Winn's," laughed the young girl. They had a capable woman in the kitchen now.

"I like to see a thing so nicely done," said Mr. Peterkin. The next thing was to cord up the trunk, and Mr. Peterkin tried to move it. But neither he, nor Agamemnon, nor Solomon John could lift it alone, or all together. Here was a serious difficulty. Solomon John tried to make light of it. "Expressmen could lift it. Expressmen were used to such things."

Now his straps and stirrups were of cord; and on the right side his sandals were so entangled and twisted that he could not for the heart's blood of him get out his foot.

Then burst the storm upon us rain, wind! I was conscious of clutching, with one hand, a rope which strained and swayed desperately, while with the other I grasped the affrighted baby to my breast. Ada Greene and the old negro woman clung together, hanging to the same cord of safety, flung to them, to all of us, by the hand of Christian Garth.

Now the stone, that was balanced on the very verge of the declivity, trembled beneath them, and now, slowly and majestically as a vessel starting from her slips when the launching cord is severed, it began to move down the icy way.