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"Steady!" called Cora, though her face went white. Walter reached over, as if to take the wheel from the girl. She stopped him by a shake of her head, and then braced herself for what was coming. She screamed at the top of her fresh, clear voice: "Stop! stop! Don't turn! stop!" The farmer heard just in time. He fairly pulled the horses back on their haunches, and the wagon came to a stop.

"Didn't you beard the lion in his den?" "Who said I did?" asked Cora flushing. "I promised crossed my heart not to tell," said Walter. "But all the same the folks at the landing are talking about the pretty girl who went all the way up the cove, and stopped at the place where Peters and his pal land. I would advise you to be careful.

Daisy threw the bag into the Whirlwind. Then she put on speed and passed the big car. For a few miles the girls seemed very quiet, scarcely any conversation being held. It was but a short run to the Grotto, the little wayside tea-house. The party was a full hour late, but Cora knew she could depend upon generous excuses for the motor girls.

"Tillie stipulated that we should dine table d'hote and no questions asked. I hope, Ray, you will not be disappointed." "Oh, there they are!" exclaimed Hazel. "I see some one waving her apron!" "That's Adele," replied Cora. "She knows how to wave aprons.

"That it would, and I'm obliged to you miss," said the woman while Bess fairly gasped. "I want to go to one island Fern Island they call it. Have you ever been there?" "I know where it is," replied Cora, wondering what the woman's interest in that place might be. "I have been all around it." "They say it's haunted," and the woman laughed.

Our apartments are practically gone. I've a party who practically has closed for this suite already. I'd have to know." Cora looked at Ray. He said nothing. He seemed not to have heard. His face was gaunt and haggard. "We'll let you know to-morrow," Cora said. Her full under lip made a straight thin line. When they came out it was snowing. A sudden flurry. It was already dark.

Le Guise aware that my step-papa believes me to be dead?" she asked. Cora and the Professor looked dubiously at one another for an instant. Then the former, seeing her cue in the face of the latter, said: "He is not." "Well, step-mamma, I am going up to see him soon, and, on second thought, it will be best to have the doctor inform him of my resurrection." Cora nodded.

"But how can you leave him out?" questioned Bess. "Especially as you are going to ask Ida and others in that set." "I simply will not have him," insisted Cora, "and I don't care what any one thinks about it. He is too too impertinent to be polite, and I will not run the risk of having him offend some one."

In a few minutes another prisoner was brought out, who, proved to be Cora, a man who had once been tried for killing Richardson, the United States Marshal, when the jury disagreed, and he was awaiting a new trial. These prisoners were placed in carriages, and escorted by the armed force down to the rooms of the Vigilance Committee, through the principal streets of the city.

They fairly burst in at the door, and sure enough, there was Marjorie sitting on a big packing box, watching a little girl who was performing most remarkable athletic feats. "Oh, hello," cried Marjorie, "I'm so glad you've come! Just sit down here beside me, and watch Vivian. Mademoiselle Cora, this is my brother and sister."