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Was she only the coquette who wanted to lead me chained at her chariot wheel for the cheap joy of conquest? My goddess had not been that sort. What had she to offer me in return for such a tribute to her vanity? Was I merely to flit in the background of her life giving all that the heart has, receiving nothing but the occasional condescension of a smile?

"And you, too, have been married some time. Your brother, on the contrary, has been married but a fortnight." "Well?" "He is now finding fault with Madame a second time." "What, Buckingham still?" "No, another." "Who?" "Guiche." "Really? Madame is a coquette, then?" "I fear so." "My poor brother," said the king, laughing. "You don't object to coquettes, it seems?"

Princess Elizabeth resolved to be no quiet silent member of this circle to-day; she would force her husband to look upon her and admire her; she would be more beautiful than all the other ladies of the court; more lovely than the gay and talented coquette, Madame Brandt; more entrancing than the genial 'Tourbillon, Madame Morien; yes, even the youthful Schwerin, with her glancing eye and glowing cheek, should not excel her.

"Can she be sporting with me? playing the coquette? But no! I will not believe it, at least upon the say so of a stranger. I must have proofs." "Pray, senor, have you never observed upon the lady's fair arm a turquoise bracelet?" "Yea, have I," replied the cavalier; "by the same token that she has promised it to me as a gage d'amour."

According to your idea, she has neither decided for nor against gallantry, and what you clearly see in her conduct is, that she is a more logical coquette than other women. What an opinion! But there is much to pardon in your situation.

And," raising her head and showing a face full of scarlet flushes and tears, and eyes shining with love's own light, "it looks just as if I had come in here and really asked you to marry me. We have forgotten all about poor Jim. You will think me a coquette, and you ought to despise me." His clasp tightened a little. "I am sorry that Jim should have been so heedless.

Having found that she could have her own way, she became less anxious for it, and several times made small concessions, which were apparently unconscious, but amusing, nevertheless. She had none of the wiles of the coquette; she was transparent, and her friendliness was disarming. If she wanted Winfield to stay at home any particular morning or afternoon, she told him so.

This was in the best spirit of the coquette and yet a great earnestness lay behind it.

The two children were afraid of each other. Massimilla was no coquette. She had no second string to her bow, no secondo, no terzo, no patito.

"You are truly from a distant ocean," said the young captain of the Coquette, smiling like a man who apologizes to himself for an act of what he thought undue condescension, "if the exploits of a brigantine known by the name of the 'Water-Witch, and of him who commands her, under the fit appellation of the 'Skimmer of the Seas, have not yet reached your ears.