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"A little charity, kind gentleman," he whined as he came nearer. "In here, Papa Tignol," beckoned Coquenil; "there's something new. It's all right, I've fixed the doorkeeper." And a moment later the two associates were talking earnestly near the doorkeeper's lodge.

In this emergency Coquenil himself came unexpectedly to Pougeot's relief; instead of the apathy or indifference he had shown for days, he suddenly developed his old keen interest in the case, and one morning insisted on knowing how things were going and what the prospects were.

And the intervals varied from four fifths of a second to a second and a fifth, which was taken as the prisoner's average time for the untroubled thought process. "He's clever!" reflected Coquenil. "He's establishing a slow average." Then began the real test, the judge going deliberately through the entire list which included thirty important words scattered among seventy unimportant ones.

"Yes," he agreed, "I know about the door, but I forget how to get it open." "Silly!" She stamped her foot again. "You push on that stone thing under the shelf." Shading his eyes against the glare, Coquenil looked at the shelf and saw that it was supported by two stone brackets. "You mean the thing that holds the shelf up?" "Yes, you must press it."

The girl was seated in the full light, and as they talked, Coquenil observed her attentively, noting the pleasant tones of her voice and the charming lights in her eyes, studying her with a personal as well as a professional interest; for was not this the young woman who had so suddenly and so unaccountably influenced his life? Who was she, what was she, this dreaming candle seller?

"Because you wanted to see into the next room?" "Yes," in a low tone. "And why?" She hesitated a moment and then burst out in a flash of feeling: "Because I knew that a wretched dancing girl was going to be there with " "Yes?" eagerly. "With my husband!" "Then your husband was the person you thought guilty that night?" questioned Coquenil. "Yes."

Haltingly, on his cane, Coquenil made his way to an adjoining room where De Heidelmann-Bruck was waiting under guard. As he glanced at the baron, M. Paul saw that once more the man had demonstrated his extraordinary self-control, he was cold and composed as usual. "We take our medicine, eh?" said the detective admiringly. "Yes," answered the prisoner, "we take our medicine."

"You see, M. Coquelin I beg your pardon, M. Coquenil. The names are alike, aren't they?" "Yes," said the other dryly. "Well," she went on quite charmingly, "I have done some foolish things in my life, but this is the most foolish. I did give Martinez the five-pound notes. You see, he was to play a match this week with a Russian and he offered to lay the money for me.

"He may be a wood carver, but he's a great deal more, he he " Coquenil hesitated, and then, with eyes blazing and nostrils dilating, he burst out: "If I know anything about my business, he's the man who gave me that left-handed jolt under the heart, he's the man who choked your shrimp photographer, he's the man who killed Martinez!" "Name of a green dog!" muttered Tignol.

"Is that true, or or do you only know it?" "It's true because I know it," answered Coquenil. "See here, I'll bet you a good dinner against a box of those vile cigarettes you smoke that this man who calls himself Alice's cousin has the marks of my teeth on the calf of one of his legs I forget which leg it is."