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"But, you know," answered Bathilde, "that M. Raoul said the Prince de Listhnay had no right to that title, and was only a prince of the third order." "I guarantee him of the first," said Buvat, "sabre de bois! a man of five feet ten, who throws his money about, and pays for copies at fifteen francs the page, and has given twenty-five louis in advance!"

Not knowing anything of Sir Donald Randolph's present address or plans, Oswald writes him at Paris. Being very curious as to the Lanier affair, and to avoid delay, he addresses copies to Calcutta and to Sir Donald's Northfield station.

"Why, of course," she exclaimed; "how very silly of me to forget! my hundred copies of The Joy-bell ought to have arrived by now. Yes, of course they ought, and perhaps I shall be able to sell some of them. I have no doubt Mrs. Dredge would buy a couple if Poppy asked her and perhaps Mrs. Mortlock and Miss Slowcum would also like to see my first story in print.

"Your case will certainly have to be considered further," he says, with the faintest of threatening notes in his tone. "But at the same time" hand out to those copies from the index again "there you are, you know!" Section 8 When my botanist and I have talked over and exhausted every possibility of our immediate position, we should turn, I think, to more general questions.

I sat in the Matron's rocking chair by the cook-stove, and was amused to hear them puzzling over the English words, spelling, and helping one another; some of them had copies of my Ojebway grammar, and were teaching themselves the English sentences translated from the Indian.

All the etchings and their copies give a characteristic presentation of the spiritual precursor of Luther, who pricked the false image with his rapier which the sturdy monk slashed with his broadsword. What a face it is which Hans Holbein has handed down to us in this wonderful portrait at Longford Castle!

THE MANCHU CONQUEST. There were notable literary achievements in this period, one of which was an encyclopedia in more than twenty-two thousand books. Four copies were made: only one, a damaged copy, now remains. The great political event of the time was the seizure of the throne by the Manchu Tartars , who came in as auxiliaries against a rebellion, but have worn the crown until now.

Good livers, with the gout, are marvellously indifferent to stories about their neighbours. There passed from hand to hand copies of a letter three lines in length, written, it was said, by the Duchess Josiana to the queen, her sister, in answer to the injunction made by her Majesty, that she should espouse the new peer, the lawful heir of the Clancharlies, Lord Fermain.

These, however, were probably not used at the marriage itself, since Luther wished to have it solemnised so quickly and without the knowledge of others. In recent times about 1817 it has been multiplied by several copies.

Something which pleased him greatly at this time was the news from his friend Charles Baxter in Edinburgh that a complete edition of his works was to be published in the best possible form with a limited number of copies, to be called the "Edinburgh Edition." "I suppose it was your idea to give it that name," Stevenson wrote, thanking him.