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But it's kinda come to me, somehow, that maybe it was that account in the paper that story of Jeddy Conway that's set you to leavin'. It ain't none of my business, and I ain't askin' no questions, but I do want to say that there never was a time when you couldn't lick the everlastin' tar outen him. And you've growed some since then. Jest a trifle jest a trifle!"

John the First day August, A. D. 1775"; the other, "A Return of the state of the Township of Conway on the western side of the Harbour and River St. John on First of August, 1775."

The back fire was already a half mile away, gathering volume and speed as it went, but the other was coming on at an equal pace. Deer and antelope were darting past them, and the horses and mules were rearing in terror. "Into the burned ground," shouted Conway, "an' keep the wagons close together!" No need to urge the animals.

But I wanted the pictures, and it wasn't a very difficult matter either to get them. You see I knew just where I'd find what I wanted, and things panned out pretty much as I thought they would. "It didn't take more than a half hour to spread the report that Conway was practically the only really famous man in the country today, and in a fair way to make his own home town just as celebrated.

"And what about Jael, Conway? They tell me that Jael is going to become Mrs Musselboro." "Who has told you that?" "A bird." "Yes; I know who the bird is. I don't think that Jael will become Mrs Musselboro. I don't think that Jael would become Mrs Musselboro, if Jael were the only woman, and Musselboro the only man in London.

"'He is our best soldier, and we are fortunate that he is with us, said the doctor, as the colonel moved away." The doctor changed his mind later, and helped, I fear, to make the trouble which came near to costing Conway his life.

Liverpool was a very different place for young Jack Gibson from Conway: there were no hills and valleys there, to be sure, but there were shops such shops! all full of the most beautiful and highly coloured prints and caricatures, after the fashion of the days when George IV. was still Prince Regent.

I'll drink sherry." "Don't like it!" said Dobbs Broughton. "It's strange, isn't it? But I don't." "I thought you particularly told me to drink his claret?" said Johnny to his friend afterwards. "So I did," said Conway; "and wonderfully good wine it is. But I make it a rule never to eat or drink anything in a man's house when he praises himself and tells me the price of it."

"He had just finished telling how Conway had cleaned up the village kids, irrespective of size, whenever he felt the need of exercise, and was looking around at the circle behind him to give them a chance to back him up, when it happened. I told you a minute ago that I wished you could have seen that boy, as I saw him that night, standing there in that tavern doorway.

More than once, I have seen him almost foam at the mouth as he denounced some political adversary from the stump, and when one of these fits of passion seized him, he became as ungovernable as a wild animal. You can scarcely realize that, now. Sorrow has chastened him; trouble has softened him; I have nothing to say against the Judge William Conway of to-day.