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He felt her grasp his arm convulsively in the dark, and he felt her hands shaking. "Do not be frightened," he said, in his quiet voice. "Dead people do no harm, you know. It is only imagination." She shuddered as he groped his way with her toward the nave.

He and Hendrik, guns in hand, ran up near the bottom of the wall. The chimney was but a score of feet in height; the long roer was pointed upward, reaching nearly half that distance. The yäger was also aimed. Both cracked together. The lion's eyes suddenly closed, his head shook convulsively, his paw dropped loose over the capstone, his jaws fell open, and blood trickled down his tongue.

Uncle John saw the smoke swallow them up, saw Beth and Maud each busy with lint, plasters and bandages, saw Patsy supporting a tall, grizzled warrior who came limping toward the car. Then he turned and saw Doctor Gys, crouching low against the protecting sand, his disfigured face working convulsively and every limb trembling as with an ague. "Great heavens!" gasped Mr.

She shook herself convulsively as if to throw off the remnants of the anæsthetic. Then she caught my sleeve. "Oh, it's terrible," she cried. "Ye have taken me away from Julie! Bring me back to her, do you hear? You and Mr. Estabrook What do ye want of me?" "Quiet!" I said. "We want you to tell all you know." "You want me to tell it? After all these years? And it's no fault of mine or hers!"

She was trembling all over, her teeth chattering; the muscles of her face worked convulsively. 'Giles, Giles, she screamed, as he seemed about to leave her, 'you may kill me if you like, but you shall not look at me like this. But, without vouchsafing her any answer, he turned to me. 'Will you wait with my cousin a moment? I will be back directly. I nodded assent.

Eustace Hignett, pulling himself together with a painful effort, raised his hands and struck a crashing chord: and, as he did so, there appeared through the door at the far end of the saloon a figure at the sight of which the entire audience started convulsively with a feeling that a worse thing had befallen them than even they had looked for. The figure was richly clad in some scarlet material.

"So now, Ralph, we must prepare to meet these fellows. Their motto is, 'No quarter. If we can manage to floor those coming in this direction, we may escape into the woods for a while." "There are five of them," said I; "we have no chance." "Come, then," cried Peterkin, starting up, and grasping Jack convulsively by the arm, "let us dive; I will go."

The thought was this: "He will do it, unless some strange calamity befalls him, and silences him for ever." The red blood flashed up into my lady's face with as sudden and transient a blaze as the flickering flame of a fire, and died as suddenly away, leaving her more pale than winter snow. Her hands, which had before been locked convulsively together, fell apart and dropped heavily at her sides.

She sobbed on, her warm little body pressed convulsively against him; his words "surely you can trust me ..." had caught at her heart.

She shuddered as she came to the thought of that look of his, and not daring, not having once dared while she spoke, to turn towards him, her eyes fixed upon her mother's; but as she finished speaking, her head sank, she laid her face on the sofa beside her; she felt her mother's arm thrown over her and she sobbed convulsively. There was silence.