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The lieutenant lifted his glass. "Gladly, my boy." "Kentucky's convictions are with the Union; her kinship and sympathies with the South," said a deep-voiced lawyer. "She must remain neutral." "Straddling the fence," said the Major, sarcastically. "No; to avert the war, if possible, or to act the peacemaker when the tragedy is over."

He avoided my square look, and actually kept turning to avoid my eyes until he had quite turned round! Such men, confronted with actual, certain convictions are exceedingly uncomfortable. They feel in subjection to you. They cannot bear the steadfast glance of a man of certain principles any better than a dog can the look of his master.

Some new things, as we look frankly upon them, willing to comprehend their real character, have come to assume the aspect of things long believed in and familiar, stuff of our own convictions. We have been refreshed by a new insight into our own life. We see that in many things that life is very great.

"Why not, why not?" he quickly interposed. "You always impress me by your easy handling of facts. And why won't my money be of use to the social revolution?" Scornfully she started up again and began walking. "Why? Because convictions can't be bought with cash! Why! Because philanthropy is the most selfish of vices. You may do good here and there but you do more harm.

He now combines the most rigid tenets of Methodism with the ultra doctrines of the Puseyites; the former being perhaps due to the convictions wrought upon his mind by his noble consort, while the latter are the embroidery and picturesque illumination demanded by his imaginative character.

If we encountered friends there, so much the better, in the end. The great adventure, the solemn and perilous enterprise had begun. I sent Yvonne for a holiday to her home in Laroche. Why? Ah, why? Perhaps for the simple reason that I had not the full courage of my convictions. We seldom have nous autres. I felt that, if she had remained, Yvonne would have been too near me in the enterprise.

Hutchinson to win the people by his magnetic power, and fill them with his own enthusiasm, and thus induce them to act on the convictions that had been already formed in their hearts. I take on myself to say there never have been two more diligent evangelists than were Bro. Hutchinson and myself in the year that followed the Big Springs Convention.

"She had fainted several moments previously, while the altercation between my brother and myself was at its height. Adams struck himself. I I have tried with all my arts to impress the truth upon her, but oh, what can I hope from the world when the wife of my bosom an angel, too, who loves me oh, sirs, she can never be a witness for me; she is too conscientious, too true to her own convictions.

Like many of our best and most progressive men, he had become disgusted with the want of discipline in the ranks, and the painful lack of unanimity amongst the leaders. Sincere in his convictions, I do not think he could be blamed for acting up to them.

It was ten or eleven years afterwards that is, four or five years after my departure that the mother of these lads expressed her entire approval of the adamantine perseverance I had exhibited in my convictions. I entered my new sphere of educational work in July 1807. I was twenty-five years old, as far as years went, but younger by several years in regard to the development of my character.