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Thinks he ought to be the Chancellor of the Exchequer, or at least First Lord, instead of an Under Secretary. So he's going to chuck it, before he gets the chuck himself see?" "I perceive," said I, "that your conversational English style is abominable." He lit a cigarette and continued, loftily taking no notice of my rebuke. "There's bound to be a vacancy. Why shouldn't you fill it?

How inspiring is the thought that in some such way upon the basis of an absolutely perfect scientific deduction we might be brought into conversational alliance with these singular and orderly creations, and actually look upon their scenes and lives and history, and bring to ourselves in verbal pictures a presentation of their marvellous properties."

The little party dispersed soon after this, and did not foregather again until just before dinner, when the people who had been to see the ruins were all assembled, full of their day's enjoyment, and of sundry conversational encounters which they had had with the natives of the district.

Since hundreds of thousands of barbarians had been assimilated during the previous five centuries, the great invasions of the fifth century can hardly have made an abrupt change in the character of the population. The barbarians within the old empire were soon speaking the same conversational Latin which was everywhere used by the Romans about them.

You think a thirteen-year-old just dreamed all that up? Or, here; you speak French, don't you?" He switched languages and spoke at some length in good conversational slang-spiced Parisian. "Too bad you don't speak Spanish, too," he added, reverting to English. "Except for a Mexican accent you could cut with a machete, I'm even better there than in French.

"Let's talk about the weather," suggested Fibsy, who was not conducting himself on the seen and not heard plan. "The park is fine now. All full o' red an' gold autumn leaves. Have you noticed it, Mrs. Schuyler?" "Not especially," and Ruth smiled at him, in appreciation of his conversational help. "I must walk over there to-morrow." "Yes,'m.

The two prisoners could no longer see each other, and the little gestures and significant glances which had supplemented their few words, and made up for the lack of better conversational facilities were impracticable in the darkness. The silent obscurity was strangely lonely. MacVintie began to doubt if the other still lived. "Attusah!" he said at length. "Tsida-wei-yu!"

And once a year all four turn in and give a real dress rehearsal of up-to-date social science, to which Homeburg is liberally invited and at which unknown and unsuspected things are served for refreshments and a new and deadly variation of bridge or dancing or punch or receiving lines or conversational technique is put on for our inspection and bewilderment.

"Say, Merrill," he added in almost a conversational tone, "what are our chances? I mean how soon do we get off?" This was the first question anybody had asked. It added its infinitesimal weight to the wave of normality which was settling over them all. Everybody visibly concentrated, listening for the answer.

But that Major Harper should contrive to saunter up to the Regent's Park to visit the Thornycrofts, and never find time to turn a street-corner to say "How d'ye do" to her! she thought neither courteous nor kind. There was little inducement to spend the day with Emma, who, in her present mood and the state of her household, was a mere conversational Dr.