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It's a could night to be out wi' an empty stoomach." "Stay till the morning, father," said Biddy, coming up to him with an anxious face; "we cannot kape peace an' ye do not bide wi' us; the frolic will be all the better an' ye stay to the orderin' o' it, and the best bed is waitin' yer riverence's convanience.

The old fellow seemed to hesitate, as if struck by some observation contained in the priest's lecture. "When do you lave town, sir?" he asked. "Whenever it's my convanience," replied the other; "that's none of your affair. I'll go immediately and see Skipton." The priest observed that honest Anthony looked still graver at the mention of this name.

Sometime we'll tak Grizzie intil oor coonsel, an' see hoo mony we can gaither, an' what we can mak o' them whan we lay them a' thegither. Gien the Lord hae't in his min' to keep 's i' this place, yon passage may turn oot a great convanience." "Ye dinna think it wad be worth while openin' 't up direc'ly?" "I wad bide for warmer weather. I think the room's jist some caller now by rizzon o' 't."

Phelim, though his heart sank within him, attempted to banter them out of their bad opinion of him; but there was something peculiarly dismal and melancholy in his mirth. "Why, gintlemen ha, ha! be gorra, I'd take it as a convanience I mane, as a favor if you'd believe me that there's a small taste of mistake here. I was sent by Square S. wid a letter to Mr.