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What! a young maiden nurse to a convalescent young gentleman! Why, goodness gracious me! Eh? She looked at me softly, and I said I wished her to come. My father appealed to the sagacity of the matron. So jealous was he of a suggested partner in his task that he had refused my earnest requests to have Mr. Peterborough to share the hours of watching by my side.

Shortly, however, a small deputation from the convalescent camp appeared at the door of my cabin just as I was eating my dinner: all saluted; the spokesman then explained that the "b'ys" were prepared to give the obnoxious surgeon a "siranade" that same night. They had been working for weeks to produce the instruments of torture which were then all ready.

People always will try to add to the comfort of a convalescent, and Ruth, in turn, drew down the robe over the lad's hands. As she did so, her cousin, Jennie Lewis, passed hurriedly by. Her quick blue eyes took in to a detail the attitudes of the trio. "Good-morning, Jennie," said Ruth, turning; "are you coming in?" "Not now," bowing stiffly and hurrying on. "Cabbage-rose."

She inspired me with a secret pity; for I knew she carried in her bosom the knowledge that she was an old maid. Before mother left her room Veronica was taken ill, and was not convalescent till spring. Delicacy of constitution the doctor called her disorder. She had no strength, no appetite, and looked more elfish than ever.

There they are put in trim for the journey to the base, or are sent to a convalescent depot if a week or two will see them fit for duty again. The Church of England chaplain was as friendly and accommodating as I was anxious to be. We made sure that one of us saw every man to speak to when he was brought in, and noted to which ward he was taken.

"My whole days are spent at the bedside of my dear wife, endeavouring to distract her thoughts and amuse her mind as best I can during her illness." Isabella, who had intended to return home from Genoa, hurried back to Milan at the news of her sister's illness, and did not leave her until she was convalescent.

As there were many friends and reporters calling on me, the surgeon forbade callers except immediate attendants and my wife. He said the deepest wound reached the left lung, and an eighth of an inch deeper would have produced instant death. On the tenth day I was allowed to be removed to my home, and pronounced to be convalescent.

"Patience," said the Jew. A heavy sigh escaped the sleeper. "Thank God, he lives," said the bishop. "Where am I? Have I slept long?" "With friends all is well. "Cover his face; now bear him out to the air." A barque was leaving the ancient port of Pevensey, bound for the east. Two friends one in the attire of a bishop, and a youth who looked like a recent convalescent stood on the deck.

At last we arrived on the 9th, at our village of Villahalmanzo, where I found most comfortable quarters for myself and all who were with me. I found there, also, my eldest son, still merely, convalescent, with the Abbe de Monthon, who came from Burgos.

Lad had been her companion in the early morning rambles through the forest, back of the Place; in rabbit quests; in swims in the ice, cool lake at the foot of the lawn; in romps on the smooth green grass and in a dozen of the active pursuits wherein country-bred collies love to squander the outdoor days. Less and less did Lady content herself with dull attendance on the convalescent.