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While an exostosis involving any one of the splint bones, even when directly caused by an injury, is called a "splint," the term is employed here, in reference to exostoses not due to direct injury such as in contusions. Etiology and Occurrence. There is incited an inflammation of the periosteum at the site of the interosseous ligament which attaches the small to the large metacarpal bone.

The Pilot, on hearing the first shot, ran to the spot, and both he and Jack arrived at the same instant, where the savage lay bleeding on the ground. "You are safe and sound, I hope?" said Willis, anxiously. "With the exception of some slight contusions, and the loss of my clothes, thank God, I am all right, Willis." "We are born to bad luck, it seems."

From the prisoner's story, he had made a hard fight against the two mysterious men. "If," Brown asked, "such were the case, how can you explain away the fact that you came out of the struggle unmarked? On examination of the body of John Borg, many bruises and contusions were noticeable. How is it, if you put up such a stiff fight, that you escaped being battered?" St.

He had been saved by little short of a miracle: a beam had broken in half and had left each of its two ends in the side walls; and one of these had formed a sort of roof aver the pontifical throne; the pope, who was sitting there at the time, was protected by this overarching beam, and had received only a few contusions.

He came in looking like a machine, with a note-book in his hand, and stood by the bath side dictating notes to himself and jotting them down. "Six contusions: two on the thorax, one on the abdomen, two on the thighs, one near the patella; turn, please." Alfred turned in the water. "A slight dorsal abrasion; also of the wrists; a severe excoriation of the ankle. Leg-lock, eh?" "Yes."

Other telegrams quickly followed stating that Monsieur Nadar had both legs dislocated; Monsieur Saint Felix had sustained severe fractures and contusions; and that Madame Nadar had also been severely injured.

Of course soldiers and sailors ran from all parts of the vessel to the rescue, and soon the injured men were carried below and attended to by the doctors; and, considering the nature of the accident, it was matter for surprise that the result was no worse than some pretty severe contusions and a few broken ribs.

They could only end by holding up both hands, rolling their eyes, shrugging their shoulders, and then mutely pointing to the various cuts, scratches and contusions that decorated their faces. The rest had to be left to the imagination. Fortunately there was an abundance of witch hazel ointment along, so that every sufferer was able to anoint his hurts.

It was impossible to render him any assistance; notwithstanding, Jules Godard, stimulated by his brother, leapt out to attempt mooring the balloon to the trees by means of the ropes. M. Montgolfier, entangled in the same manner, was re-seated in time and saved by Louis Godard. At this moment others leapt out and escaped with a few contusions.