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But he was son-in-law to Barneveld, and although the Advocate was certainly not free from the charge of nepotism, he shrank from the reproach of having apparently removed Aerssens to make a place for one of his own family. Van der Myle remained to bear the brunt of the late ambassador's malice, and to engage at a little later period in hottest controversy with him, personal and political.

These two lessons Christ has tenderly and plainly taught in this parable, first, that God receives and forgives a sinner who comes back repenting; and second, that he delights in the act of so forgiving repentant sinners: on these points no ambiguity is left, and no room for controversy.

Here is such controversy between the gentlemen and sailors that it doth make me mad to hear it. I must have the gentleman to haul with the mariner and the mariner with the gentleman. I would know him that would refuse to set his hand to a rope! But I know there is not any such here. To those whose hearts failed them he offered the Marigold.

All strife, all controversy was hushed in the presence of the foe. With the close of the Council of Trent came a unity of feeling and of action such as had never been seen before. Faith was defined. The Papal authority stood higher than ever. The bishops owned themselves to be delegates of the Roman See. The clergy were drawn together into a disciplined body by the institution of seminaries.

The implication is directly the contrary, and is as strongly conveyed as it is possible for those to do who state a doubt and controversy without charging with criminality those persons who so doubted and so controverted. Such a style is frequent in acts of this nature, and is that only which is suited to the occasion.

Thus saying, Uncle Roland looked round for pen and ink; and having found them, not without difficulty, for they had been submerged under the overflow of the pedigree, he was about to fill up the lacuna, or hiatus, which had given rise to such memorable controversy, with the name of "William Caxton, printer in the Sanctuary," when my father, slowly recovering his breath, and aware of his brother's purpose, intervened.

'Alas! he muttered, 'my good old tutor, who used to enter so deep into the controversy between Heydon and Chambers on the subject of astrology, he would have looked upon the scene with other eyes, and would have seriously endeavoured to discover from the respective positions of these luminaries their probable effects on the destiny of the new- born infant, as if the courses or emanations of the stars superseded, or at least were co-ordinate with, Divine Providence.

My thoughts followed you, and I wondered does he mean to be a distinguished countryman of his Nelson? or a man of learning? Then many an argument with "my Professor," until for so it will ever be the weaker creature did succumb in the open controversy, and thought her thoughts to herself. Contempt of England gained on me still.

Is it conceivable that at least no opponent should have retained any remnant of the system it supplanted? that no tradition of primitive purity should remain in any part of Christendom? that no protest, or controversy, should have been raised, as a monument against the victorious error?

There is nothing like a religious controversy to stir feelings strongly, and the conflicts in the campaign for disestablishment were very bitter. Lloyd George's chief opponent on the other side was the Bishop of St. Asaph, a prelate of the Church of England, himself a Welshman and a very able man.