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This last is undoubtedly the most notable contribution that has yet been made, or is likely very soon to be made, to the Whitman literature. Mr. Symonds declares that "Leaves of Grass," which he first read at the age of twenty-five, influenced him more than any other book has done, except the Bible, more than Plato, more than Goethe.

In response to this insistent call, Mr. Emmett J. Scott, Executive Secretary of the Tuskegee Institute, presents to the public a further contribution, Tuskegee and Its People: Their Ideals and Achievements, with authentic accompanying autobiographies of a number of typical students of the school. To this work Mr.

He had secured a small part in a summer stock company which would leave him ample time to work on "Phantom Love," which he confidently counted upon to retrieve his fortunes. The withdrawal of even his slender contribution to the household expenses made a difference, especially as Edwin came down with the measles early in July.

A few of these people made a significant contribution such as cooking, child care, gardening, tending the ever-ravenous wood-fired boiler we used to keep the huge concrete mansion heated, or doing general cleaning.

"Now may our lord Abd el Káder see the man who makes a contribution with his eyes." Chorus: "With his eyes!" "And may his heart find rest, and our lord Abd er-Rahmán protect him!" Chorus: "Protect him!" "Now, I call you to witness, I bargain with our lord Abd el Káder for a forfeit!" Chorus: "For a forfeit!"

Then with a swift change, she broke into a giggle. "Wait till you lay eyes on my contribution to the modeling competition. You'll have the treat of your young life then!" "What's it to be?" asked Elinor, releasing her and beginning to braid her dark hair. "Don't know," replied Patricia gayly. "Don't care, either. Whatever it is, I'm going into it tooth and nail.

There was a blue pitcher on a shelf in the house, and into this pitcher every boy dropped his contribution, and one of them of course the most intelligent one carefully went through them, selected the best, and copied them all out in one large sheet, and this was their weekly journal called The Blue Pitcher, and it was read and enjoyed by the whole house.

Pringle, is a poet of no mean celebrity, and, as we are prepared to show, his contribution, independent of his editorial judgment, will do much toward the Friendship's Offering maintaining its ground among the Annuals for 1829. There are twelve engravings and a presentation plate.

The exhibition being an international one, and the Government being a voluntary contributor, it is my opinion that its contribution should be of a character, in quality and extent, to sustain the dignity and credit of so distinguished a contributor.

Some of them open their star-like eyes for a day or two and dot the floor of the woods with beauty and then their little contribution to the spring is done and they are seen no more until another year. They bring us beauty and sweetness and then they pass from us, like the sweet and childish but perfect lives we all have known and loved.