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I shall always have it in the background of memory, and one day it will be among the pleasantest of many pleasant tales which I shall have in store for my grandchildren. However, it is not their potentialities as memories which endear these adventures now, but rather it is because they are in such contrast to any that we had known before.

One might almost have taken him for an angel, sent down to render less cruel the strokes of inexorable fate. Strange contrast! not far from this young man's angelic beauty, there was another being, who resembled an evil spirit!

In contrast with this her lips were defiant, insolent, unscrupulous; a shadow of the naivete of childhood still lingered upon them, but, though you divined the earlier pout of the spoilt girl, you felt that it must have foretold this danger-signal in the mature woman.

I surely was aware of them, that is, had them in consciousness all the time but there were no contrast feelings and no associations in consciousness which gave them sufficient clearness to attract attention. In this way I may be again led by gradual stages to more and more complex experiences.

The contrast is of course the first to strike: the ordinariness, in spite of his fantastic grotesque, of Dickens, and the extraordinariness of Meredith; the almost utter absence of literature in Dickens, and the prominence of it in Meredith divers other differences of the same general kind.

The great and prevalent expression of the face is energy. The eye, the brow, the turn of the head, the erect, penetrating aspect, are all strikingly bold, animated, and even daring. And this expression makes a singular contrast to that in another likeness to the Count, which was taken at a much later period of life. The latter portrait represents him in a foreign uniform, decorated with orders.

As was generally the case in such contrast of circumstances, that portion of the province which faced the greater problem of control determined the legislation for the whole. New Jersey, indeed, borrowed the New York slave code in all essentials. The administration of the law, furthermore, was about as it was in New York, in the eastern counties at least.

What is the price of a day's labor in Lapland, where the sun never sets for six months? Miss Asphyxia Davis! A life, generally of a grave hue, may be said to be embroidered with occasional sports and fantasies. A father confessor, his reflections on character, and the contrast of the inward man with the outward, as he looks around on his congregation, all whose secret sins are known to him.

She noted the contrast: Claybrook rather beefy and a bit too red of face; Joe, on the other hand, quite slim and taut. His new clothes fitted him better; he had lost that raw-boned look. Joe asked her if she would not like to go for a ride. She looked up into his eyes from the chair which he had got for her and felt a childish pleasure, just as though he had shown her a personal attention.

Their enthusiasm, heightened almost to madness by the treatment which they received, produced actions contrary to the rules of decency, as well as of rational religion, and presented a singular contrast to the calm and staid deportment of their sectarian successors of the present day.