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"Such were the men of this time, Raleigh, Essex, Elizabeth, Henry VIII himself, excessive and inconstant, ready for devotion and for crime, violent in good and evil, heroic with strange weaknesses, humble with sudden changes of mood, never vile with premeditation like the roisterers of the Restoration, never rigid on principle like the Puritans of the Revolution, capable of weeping like children, and of dying like men, often base courtiers, more than once true knights, displaying constantly, amidst all these contradictions of bearing, only the overflowing of nature.

God forgive me for saying so the nicest of them will prefer a vile rake and wh I suppose I must not repeat the word: the word will offend, when the vicious denominated by that word will be chosen! I had not been a bachelor to this time, if I had not seen such a mass of contradictions in you all. Such gnat-strainers and camel-swallowers, as venerable Holy Writ has it.

An individual of middle age, a man of the world, apparently, who was seated at a side-table, carelessly glancing over a book of engravings, was the only one who occasionally exasperated the pompous gentleman with contradictions or ill-timed interruptions. "The government must be sustained," said the stout gentleman, "and we, the merchants of the North, will do it.

She saw that to go on answering the girl from the colonies, with her troublesome freedom of thought and question, might land her in a bog of contradictions. "How many lies may a gentleman tell in a day?" pursued the straight-going Barbara. "Not any," answered lady Ann. "Does the same rule hold for ladies?"

It is the relief which throws out the disparities and contradictions of life that afford us most amusement; hence it is that one swallow can no more make a summer, than one well-sustained character can give life to a masquerade.

Should we observe in three-dimensional space contradictory facts our reason would be forced to reconcile these contradictions, also, and if they could be reconciled by the idea of a four-dimensional space our reason would accept this idea without cavil.

Transiently perhaps, in Friedrich's LETTERS TO HIS FATHER; but have forgotten him again; can know him only as the outline of a shadow. Uncle George, we say, is merely Commandant of those blaring 6,000; has had his own real soldierings before this; his own labors, contradictions, in his time; but has borne all patiently, and grown fat upon it, not quarrelling with his burdens or his nourishments.

The house servants particularly were favored, in some cases receiving education, and the number of free Negroes gradually increased. Present-day students are often puzzled at the apparent contradictions of Southern slavery.

Contradiction in terms is not only to be excused but there can be no proposition which does not more or less involve one. It is the fact of there being contradictions in terms, which have to be smoothed away and fused into harmonious acquiescence with their surroundings, that makes life and consciousness possible at all.

But although they made no pretense to lofty purpose, their political maxims differ nowise from those of the great European states, whose territorial, economic, and military interests have been religiously safeguarded by the Treaty of Versailles. True, the statesmen of Tokio shrink from the hybrid combination of two contradictions linked together by a sentimental fallacy.