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"Would to heaven it had been! Lucy, what if he were the man I was fated to " "He? Why, he's a praste, a Popish praste, that can't marry if he would, poor wratch." "He is none; and I have cause enough to know it!" And, for want of a better confidant, Rose poured into the willing ears of her companion the whole story of yesterday's meeting. "He's a pretty wooer!" said Lucy at last, contemptuously.

At last I thought it better to lay the matter before my general-of-division, Robles, a friend of my family, who had appointed me his aide-de-camp lately. "He took it out of my hands at once without any ceremony. "'In the house! of course he is in the house, he said contemptuously.

"You don't look like an ordinary prospector who'd you say it was you were working for?" Denver turned and looked at him, and grunted contemptuously. "J. P. Morgan," he said and after a silence Murray answered with a thin-lipped smile. "That's all right, that's all right," he said with a cackle. "No hard feeling I just wanted to know.

Besides these three classes of acknowledged associations, all wearing colours, and recognised by the University, there are usually a number of subordinate ones, termed contemptuously 'Blasen, which may be translated 'bubbles, a designation given on account of their supposed instability.

A secret whisper, intense in its sympathy with the seceding half of the nation, contemptuously hostile to the other part, among whom they were at that very moment receiving Northern education and Northern kindness. The girls even listened and gathered scraps of conversation that passed in their hearing, to retail them in letters sent home; "they did not know," they said, "what might be of use."

Edward snorted contemptuously, then turned to Charlotte. "Look here," he said; "let's play at lions, anyhow, and I'll run on to that corner and be a lion, I'll be two lions, one on each side of the road, and you'll come along, and you won't know whether I'm chained up or not, and that'll be the fun!"

Other conservative newspapers followed suit.... Both Tallant and I were surprised to hear these sentiments out of the mouth of Mr. Jason. "You don't think that crowd's going to win, do you?" asked the owner of the Era, a trifle uneasily. "Win!" exclaimed the boss contemptuously. "They'll blow up, and you'll never hear of 'em.

"Cease this idle babble," said the monk-inquisitor, contemptuously, "nor think thou couldst ever deceive, with thy empty words, the mighty intellect of Ferdinand of Spain. Thou hast now to defend thyself against still graver charges than those of treachery to the king whom thou didst profess to serve.

He had heard his father speak so contemptuously of English people that he was almost afraid to ask him for permission to accept Ninian's invitation. He wondered how he would explain his father's refusal to Ninian who was so kind.... But his fears were not warranted, for Mr. Quinn replied to his letter, urging him to accept the invitation. "Enjoy yourself," he wrote.

'And the gentleman thus rescued is forbidden the relief of thanks! he broke in contemptuously. 'I am a man. I claim the right of expressing my feelings. 'And I yielded to the right; simply saying that you gave me pain by insisting upon it, she replied, proudly.