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"I must admit, though," he added to his old friend, who was also made comfortable in his chair, which Hilland had brought over, "that in my fall on the field of glory I made a sorry figure. I was held down by my horse and trampled on as if I had been a part of the 'sacred soil." "'Field of glory, indeed!" exclaimed Hilland, contemptuously.

And when he contemptuously repulsed the officers who brought him the summons, they came themselves, with the Aediles, or overseers of the market, proposing to carry him away by force, and, accordingly, began to lay hold on his person.

I will not have their time taken up with our errands. They'll have enough to do to catch some of the mob. You will not be afraid to stop in this house, she asked contemptuously, 'and go on bathing Miss Hale's forehead, shall you? I shall not be ten minutes away. 'Couldn't Hannah go, ma'am? 'Why Hannah? Why any but you? No, Jane, if you don't go, I do. Mrs.

'Humph, it said, sniffing a little contemptuously, yet at the same time affectionately, 'it's not so dusty. The Psammead seemed to pick up very easily the kind of things that people said nowadays. For a creature that had in its time associated with Megatheriums and Pterodactyls, its quickness was really wonderful.

His prodigious wit and the affability of his manners, while they endeared him to his servants, again and again blinded his adversaries; who, thinking that so much brilliance could arise only from a shallow nature, found when it was too late that they had been outwitted by him whom they contemptuously styled the Prince of Bearn, a man a hundredfold more astute than themselves, and master alike of pen and sword.

"How do I know they're good?" he asked. "You're a stranger to me, young feller, and how do I know you ain't tryin' to beat me?" He looked sternly at Lemuel, but here the mate interposed. "How does he know that you ain't tryin' to beat him?" he asked contemptuously. "I never saw such a feller as you are!

"Oh, say what you will, my friend, this is ruin the end of all our hopes. Your wits will never extricate us from this. Never!" A frenzy of despair vibrated in his accents. He swung again to face M. Leandre. "Thus," he bade him contemptuously. "Let the passion of your hopelessness express itself in your voice.

If indeed he were transgressing he told himself half contemptuously that as he did penance doubly, once that imposed by his own spiritual director and again that set by the Catholic at the North End, he might be held to expiate amply the pleasure of this hour.

I asked if all the Creoles were as beautiful as herself. That was surely flattering enough, and I think this little Moravian ought, by this time, to possess some of the humility they pride themselves so much on, and not toss her head so haughtily and look at me so contemptuously."

"And what is more, he has inveigled the child whom you destine to be his wife into bearing false witness. More much more could I say, but that, even if I did not respect the mother, your husband has deserved that I should spare him." "Spare him-spare!" cried Neforis contemptuously. "You you will spare us! The accused will be merciful and spare the judge!