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"He had proceeded to say very plainly that, if the States did not make great speed to pay him all his debt so soon as peace was established, he should treat their pretence at independence with contempt, and propose dividing their territory between himself and the King of France.

This difference in the imagination has a suitable effect on the passions; and this effect is augmented by another circumstance. A secret intimation of anger or contempt shews that we still have some consideration for the person, and avoid the directly abusing him. This makes a concealed satire less disagreeable; but still this depends on the same principle.

She had said when she recovered consciousness and found herself on the island, and the boatman gone: "I will never utter another word from this hour until I am set free again. You are beneath contempt, Captain Frazier, to kidnap a young girl at the altar." He never forgot how she looked at him in the clear moonlight as he turned to her, crying out passionately: "It is your own fault, Gerelda.

"Why, there they were, right before the greatest view they ever saw, talkin' about the fashions!" Impossible to convey the accent of contempt in which he pronounced the word " fashions," and then added, with a sort of regretful bitterness, "I was a great mind to come down, and leave 'em there." In common with the Greeks, Old Phelps personified the woods, mountains, and streams.

It is true that you are above their contempt; but then their dread of you will be so great that it will grievously embitter the hatred they will then bear to you, and the contempt they have already for the others, so that what is at present only a serious wound in the State will perhaps become incurable and mortal.

They talked too much, and too loud, d'ye see? The lay was f'r to chase in to the Creek wit' you an' they did an' get you on the road, if they could; if that didn't work, they was to crack the safe" this with the contempt of the real craftsman for a pair of amateurs.

So far every movement had been followed by cutting remarks expressive of the contempt in which the visitor was held. There had been threats, too, of how he would be served one of these times.

In the spring of life, the gilding of the sunshine, the verdure of the fields, and the variegated paintings of the sky, are so exquisite in the eyes of infants, at their first looking abroad into a new world, as nothing, perhaps, afterwards can equal: the heat and vigour of the succeeding summer of youth, ripens for us new pleasures, the blooming maid, the nightly revel, and the jovial chase: the serene autumn of complete manhood feasts us with the golden harvests of our worldly pursuits: nor is the hoary winter of old age destitute of its peculiar comforts and enjoyments, of which the recollection and relation of those past, are, perhaps, none of the least: and, at last, death opens to us a new prospect, from whence we shall, probably, look back upon the diversions and occupations of this world, with the same contempt we do now on our tops and hobby horses, and with the same surprise, that they could ever so much entertain or engage us."

He it was that built the big Faringfield house in Queen Street. He was of an aspiring mind, for one in trade, and had even a leaning toward book-knowledge and the ornaments of life. He was, moreover, an exceedingly proud man, as if a haughty way were needful to a man of business and an American, in order to check the contempt with which he might be treated as either.

That is not courteous. But when the sole motive of an application is impertinence, silent contempt is the course best befitting your dignity." "Dem the fellaa. Shan't take any notice of him." Mrs. "Do you think we are all fools?" Ibi omnis effusus amor; for La Bazalgette undeceived her ally and Mr. Hardie, and the screw was put harder still on poor Lucy.