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The existence of foreign settlements in Japan, under consular jurisdiction, was in itself a constant exasperation to national pride, an indication of national weakness. It had so been proclaimed in print, in speeches by members of the anti-foreign league, in speeches made in parliament.

When this affair of Marcellus came on, and all the Senators of consular rank excepting only Volcatius and Cicero had risen, and had implored Cæsar in a few words to condescend to be generous; when Claudius Marcellus had knelt at Cæsar's feet to ask for his brother's liberty, and Cæsar himself, after reminding them of the bitterness of the man, had still declared that he could not refuse the prayers of the Senate, then Cicero, as though driven by the magnanimity of the conqueror, rose from his place, and poured forth his thanks in the speech which is still extant.

They were united in the opinion that the Union necessarily demanded a joint Minister for Foreign affairs, but differed in everything else on several points. The Swedish members were unanimous in insisting on a joint Consular Service for both Kingdoms.

Needless to follow such intricacies further, though this is by no means an extreme case, for disputes are constantly occurring to say nothing of criminal actions involving the several consular courts, for the most part presided over by men unequipped by legal training, in which it is a practical impossibility for justice to be done to all, and time and money are needlessly wasted.

The French consul at San Francisco was not long since brought into the United States district court at that place by compulsory process as a witness in favor of another foreign consul, in violation, as the French Government conceives, of his privileges under our consular convention with France.

And all understood the matter thus, that they were judged by Claudius to be private citizens; and many of those of consular standing expressed their assent in words.

Constitutionally it devolved on the senate to fix the functions of the second consular year of office before the election of the consuls took place; accordingly it had, in prospect of the election of Caesar, selected with that view for 696 two provinces in which the governor should find no other employment than the construction of roads and other such works of utility.

We entreat you to interpose your valuable mediation, in such manner and with such persons as you may deem most desirable, for the safety of our unhappy brethren languishing in chains and in prison, so as to obtain, from the Pasha of Egypt, the liberation of the Jews of Damascus, and a compensation, not only from the governing Pasha of Damascus, commensurate with the excesses committed by him, but also from the Consular Agents at Rhodes, who have oppressed persons not subject to them.

It was late when the plunderers appeared before the Consulates, where, without any ceremony, by hundreds, they fell to work, breaking open bales of goods, ransacking places for money and other treasures; and, thus unsatisfied in their rapacity, they tore and burnt all the account-books and Consular documents.

The two Councils Barras' letter Bonaparte at the Council of the Five Hundred False reports Tumultuous sitting Lucien's speech He resigns the Presidency of the Council of the Five Hundred He is carried out by grenadiers He harangues the troops A dramatic scene Murat and his soldiers drive out the Five Hundred Council of Thirty Consular commission Decree Return to Paris Conversation with Bonaparte and Josephine respecting Gohier and Bernadotte The directors Gohier and Moulins imprisoned.