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"Thou art wise, carina: and we who love her will see that the ill word goeth not beyond." But the speech of the Consiglière had caused such consternation that it could not be immediately dismissed; and one of the elder ladies of the Court was obliged to explain it, for "excommunication" was a word of evil omen. "The word is a slander," she said.

Only a few visits to London, where she had consorted somewhat gaily with Emmy's acquaintances, had marked their flight, and the gentle fingers of Nunsmere had graduated the reawakening of her nostalgia for the great world. She spoke now and then of visiting Japan and America and South Africa, somewhat to her mother's consternation; but no irresistible force drove her thither.

Shots were fired and swords drawn on both sides; Sir George Staunton offered the bravest resistance till he fell, as there was too much reason to believe, by the hand of a son, so long sought, and now at length so unhappily met. While Butler was half-stunned with this intelligence, the hoarse voice of Knockdunder added to his consternation.

The boy followed him far enough to make sure that he had truly found the trail, then, calling him back, turned to retrace his steps. Great was his consternation when he discovered the cleavage in the floe. Hopefully he had at first gone east along the channel in search of a possible passage. He found none.

These terms were, that the Convention was a legal and free meeting, and would accept no order to dissolve until it had secured the liberty and religion of Scotland. The vote was passed, and the letter was read, to the consternation of the Jacobites and the delight of the Whigs. Of all the foolish acts committed by James the despatch of this letter was, in the circumstances, the most foolish.

And now, as she looked with unutterable wrath and consternation at the dreadful drawing, the scholars were full of suppressed emotion half of it terror, and the other half a served-her-right feeling. "The school is dismissed. Henriettar Newton will stay," said the schoolmistress.

He accordingly demanded admission to the council, and, on its being refused, at once resigned his office. The consternation was universal; the general public had gradually learned to place such confidence in him that they looked on his loss as irreparable.

Many a floating bonfire marked the way of the little "Sumter," and great was the consternation among the ship-owners of the North. When four days out, the "Sumter" captured her first prize. She was a fine ship, the "Golden Rocket" of Maine, six hundred and ninety tons.

I was called off at the moment, and did not return for an hour or two. As I did so I heard Dr. Rutherford say, "All right! Blow the horn;" and the overseer down in the yard Blew a blast as loud and shrill As the wild-boar heard on Temple Hill an event which at this unusual hour of the day produced perfect consternation among the already excited negroes.

There seemed to be the greatest consternation, lest Sherman would commit the government to terms which they were not willing to accede to and which he had no right to grant. A message went out directing the troops in the South not to obey General Sherman. I was ordered to proceed at once to North Carolina and take charge of matter there myself.