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However it may be, both in story and in picture, Icarus and his less conspicuous father have inspired the Caucasian mind, and the world is the richer for them. Of the unsupported myths unsupported, that is, by even a shadow of probability there is no end.

During the Commonwealth, the people, unwilling to pay their judges liberally, decided that a thousand a year was a sufficient income for a Lord Commissioner of the Great Seal. From the days of the Conqueror's Chancellor, Baldrick, who is reputed to have invented and christened the sword-belt that bears his name, lawyers have been conspicuous amongst the best dressed men of their times.

The only friendly face which he encountered during the afternoon was that of McAllister, who presently brought his congratulations and conspicuous presence to the corner to which Oswyn had betaken himself; and for a time he found himself listening, while the Scotchman enlightened him, somewhat against his will, as to the names and celebrity of the distinguished visitors whom he was supposed to be receiving.

Holroyd, whose character, under the name of Lord Sheffield, has since been more conspicuous to the public. No sooner was I settled in my house and library, than I undertook the composition of the first volume of my History.

That was a most untimely illness of yours. I'll see what can be done. It's a grave step to offend several of the most conspicuous men in the party." "Not so serious as to offend the party itself," I replied. "Money is a great power in politics, but partizanship is a greater." "I'll think it over," was the most he had the courage to concede. "I must look at all sides, you know.

Next to Weems, in point of literary atrocity, comes John S. C. Abbott, whose life of Napoleon is a splendid concealment of the man. Of those who have written biographies for the sake of belittling their subject, John Gait's "Life of Byron" occupies a conspicuous position.

She is conspicuous as a model wife, one that loved her husband, her family, and her children.

Some Masters have a great fancy for the dark colouring of the old Southern Hound, but nothing could look much smarter than a good combination of Belvoir tan with black and white. Puppies, as a rule, a week or two after they are whelped, show a greater proportion of dark marking than any other, but this as they grow older soon alters, and their white marking becomes much more conspicuous.

Much more than the senators the nobles obtained secret license to ignore the rules, or ignored them without license, since, when so many violated the regulations, no one was conspicuous or likely to be brought to book. Falco, being vastly wealthy, probably bribed somebody, but I never knew: when I hinted a query he merely smiled and vowed that we were perfectly safe.

At this conspicuous moment the Marshal called him to his side and entrusted him with a general order to pass to the commanders of the regiments. Germain galloped first to the company of Noailles and passed the order with a grave salute to the Prince, who had taken his position in front of it as Colonel.