United States or Palestine ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"And I've been waiting," said Van, in a loud wrathful key, "and waiting and waiting!" "Never mind, Van," said Jasper consolingly, getting off from the sofa and coming up to the table. "They're done and done beautifully, aren't they?" he said, holding up one. But this only proved fresh fuel for the fire of Van's indignation.

Ere she had taken the first step, however, she started; in rising she had upset the clerk's tin water-pail, which fell rattling on the floor. "The water!" she exclaimed sadly, "and my tongue is parched." "I'll fetch more," said Els consolingly; "Herr Martin brought it from over yonder."

"You generally find folks speak to you as you speak to them," said Aunt Maggie consolingly. "If you are civil, you will most likely meet with civility from others. Look, I've got a large shallow basket here that I thought would do nicely to hold your flowers and show them off prettily. The cover will help to keep them fresh. You'll have to be up early to gather them, child.

One of the rear tires was quite blown away." "You're in luck if he doesn't have you all arrested to-morrow," I remarked consolingly. "Mrs. Bashford seemed quite amused by the occurrence," Antoine continued. "'Wonderful America! she kept saying after we'd got her inside. We gave her tea, which was all she asked for. She takes her tea with cream, sir. We did our best to make her comfortable.

Even Carg was evidently uneasy. "Do not mind," said the young lieutenant consolingly. "It is merely a temporary inconvenience, you know, for your release will come very soon. And since you are placed in my care I beg you to accept this delay with good grace and be happy as possible. Ostend is full of life and I am conducting you to an excellent hotel."

He fished out a letter from his pocket, rolled himself, with his heavy pipe tobacco, a cigarette as thick as his finger, and fell to puffing such huge clouds as would discourage other bees from prying into the thicket. Then he remarked irrelevantly but consolingly: "It isn't always, by any means, that the bees get the best of it this way. Mostly it's the other way about. This bear was a fool.

So the little things, instead of thriving and developing, as was their right, dwindled toward the inevitable end. Oh! we were wretched our hearts ached for a day which we could call our own. My wife was a Christian, and had learned to know the worth of prayer, so would always speak consolingly. "God will help us," she said: "let us try and be patient."

"Yes; but it will be young again in a week or two," May observed, consolingly; and at that instant an emerald light struck full upon the white façade of San Giorgio, and straightway the poor old moon was consigned to the oblivion it clearly coveted. Gathering Poppies "This is Vittorio's gondola, is it not, Nanni?" asked May, who had an eye for details and had instantly identified the boat.

You know, Rufus," she added consolingly, "you really must not say those things, or something will be hurt! You'll make me hurt it." "Something is hurt and needs mending, Miss Sutherland " "Don't Miss Sutherland me," she broke in with a laugh, "call me Frances; and if something is hurt and needs mending, I'm not a tinker, though my father and the priest yes and you, too sometimes think so.

Angela did not understand these legal intricacies, and knew about as much about the law of intestacy as she did of Egyptian inscriptions. "Well," she said, consolingly, "I am very sorry, but it can't be helped, can it?" "The girl is a born fool," muttered Philip beneath his breath, and passed on.