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I can conceive that questions BEING raised which, if continually agitated, would combine the working men as a class together, the higher orders might have to consider whether they would concede the measure that would settle such questions, or whether they would risk the effect of the working men's combination.

And when he had thus spoken he shewed them his hands and his feet. As if he had said, Come my disciples, take special notice of me, do not be daunted, nor affrighted, but consider that it is I myself. As if the Lord had said, Come my disciples, I see that you are very full of unbelief, if you have here any meat, you shall see me eat before you all.

It was plain to her, therefore, that her husband could never love their son as his mother loved him, else, in a matter of life or death, he would not have paused to consider the effect on himself of any action that might safeguard his son's existence. She knew what he had thought when Daney first proposed the matter to him. That sort of thing wasn't "playing the game." Poor, troubled soul!

He seemed to be in favor rather of regulating, than of attempting the impossible; still, if McCrasky brought him undoubted evidence that a gambling house was in operation, he would consider it his duty to make a raid on it.

I clearly saw that we were not in a very agreeable position, and against which, if the Tapuzians should consider us as enemies, we could oppose no defence. But we were involved in it, and there was no means of retreating, it was absolutely necessary to go to Tapuzi.

You know we consider him a rhetorical phenomenon. Unfortunately he always 'muffs' anything he touches." "I suspected," Miss Forsythe replied, after a moment, "that party spirit ran as high in England as it does with us, and is as personal." Mr.

It is not what men call us that we have to consider, but how we are fulfilling the work God has given us to do." "'Pon my life, it makes me feel sick to hear you talk like this about that miserable Raeburn!" exclaimed Mr. Roberts, hotly. "I tell you, Osmond, that you are ruining your reputation, losing all chance of preferment, just because of this mistaken zeal.

I have also impressed on Voigtman that I consider that he is the gun control officer, and that I expect him to make the efficient working of the gun his main consideration. As regards the crew, they are the usual mixed crowd that one gets nowadays: half of them are old sailors, the others recruits and new arrivals from the Fleet.

"Didn't it strike you at all, when you kissed the co-respondent, that you were betraying your husband's confidence in you?" "No, not when I kissed him. We we cared for each other I admit to that; but but kissing did not seem wrong." "You didn't consider kissing wrong?" "No."

Jimmie was driven more insistently than ever to make up his mind about this war. It was every day less easy for him to hold two contradictory sets of opinions. All the men he now met were of one opinion, and by no possibility to be persuaded to consider any other.