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CONSCIOUSLY CHOSEN ENDS. Our volitions, deliberate, less deliberate, and those verging upon what scarcely deserves the name of volition, weave themselves into complicated patterns, which find their expression in long series of the most varied activities.

For this degradation of character we are bound to hold this new social force in a measure responsible, even though it has so operated because of its inherent qualities and in no material respect through conscious cynicism or viciousness; indeed it is safe to say that in so far as it was acting consciously it was with good motives, which adds an element of even greater tragedy to a situation already sufficiently depressing.

It is never the domination of the one over the many that regulates class-life: it is always the rule of the many over the one, and the power is formidable. The student who consciously or unconsciously offends class-sentiment will suddenly find himself isolated, condemned to absolute solitude.

He does nothing; doesn't even look consciously at the blue waters of the Lake, on the ineffable blue of the sky, or the rich green of the trees or the glory of the flowers he simply sits or sprawls or lies and, though the influence is different, the effect is the same as that expressed in the old hymn: My soul would ever stay, In such a frame as this, And sit and sing itself away, To everlasting bliss.

Love has a way of cheating itself consciously, like a child who plays at solitary hide-and-seek; it is pleased with assurances that it all the while disbelieves. Adam liked what Dinah had said so much that his mind was directly full of the next visit he should pay to the Hall Farm, when Hetty would perhaps behave more kindly to him than she had ever done before.

And this was what he had written: "Robert Cairn renounce your pursuit of me, and renounce Myra; or to-night " The sentence was unfinished. Momentarily, he stared at the words, endeavouring to persuade himself that he had written them consciously, in idle mood. But some voice within gave him the lie; so that with a suppressed groan he muttered aloud: "It has begun!"

The heavenly bodies seem, indeed, to have been the first objects of consciously exact reasoning, because they were so distant that nothing could be known of them except position and movement, and their position and movement could be exactly compared from night to night.

No woman would ever do such a thing. Consciously, at least. And after reading Charlton's letter, what did Isa do? What could she do? A woman may not move in such a case. Her whole future happiness may drift to wreck by somebody's mistake, and she may not reach a hand to arrest it. What she does must be done by indirection and under disguise. It is a way society has of training women to be candid.

Little Miss Wallace sighed and dropped the subject. As we stepped out of the elevator, I behind the others, Kite caught my attention with a low whistle, and in response to a furtive, beckoning, backward jerk of his head, I moved over to the desk. The reading gentlemen in the easy chairs, most consciously unconscious of us, sent blue smoke circles above their papers.

So that the old Mosaic law, 'Be ye holy as I am holy, went to the very heart of religion. And the New Testament form of it, as Paul puts it in a very bold word, 'Be ye imitators of God, as beloved children, sets its seal on the same thought that we are religious in the proportion in which we are consciously copying and aspiring after God.