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She interrupted me quickly, almost impatiently, speaking with that conviction by which she conquered me so easily that night. "It is her terror that revived 'the Others. It has brought her into touch with them. They are loose and driving after her. Her efforts at resistance have given them also hope that escape, after all, is possible. Day and night they strive. "Escape! Others!"

One of the earliest proceedings of the new ministry was the introduction by the Attorney-general, Sir Arthur Pigott, of a bill to extend and make it perpetual; to forbid "the importation of African negroes by British ships into the colonies conquered by or ceded to us in war; or into the colonies of any neutral state in the West Indies.

But when I had almost conquered my madness, that you might never know, then comes this Rumway, with his fine looks, an' his fine house, an' his fine professions, an' blots me out entirely; for what will old Joe be worth to Madame Rumway, or to Madame Rumway's fine husband?" Mrs. Smiley sat thoughtful and silent a long time after this declaration of love, that gave all and required so little.

Her own suffering it was comparitively easy to bear, believing as she did, that they were called for by her involuntary sin: but his so successfully had she conquered herself; that it was only when his countenance of reproach would flit before her, that the groan burst from her heart, and she felt bowed unto the earth.

Constrained, no doubt, by the presence of his rough colleague, Pétion, if he did not openly avow the feeling of pity, admiration, and respect which had conquered him during the journey, he showed it in his actions, and a tacit treaty was concluded by looks. The royal family felt that amidst this wreck of all their hopes they had yet gained Barnave.

"The world is conquered; I am the only king," said giant Winter. He sat alone in his lodge. The fire was white with ashes, and the tempest howled. A step was heard, and a young warrior entered the lodge. He was tall and straight and youthful. Old Winter welcomed the stranger. "Sit here on the mat beside me," he said. "Let us pass the night together.

'Woe to the conquered! The Roman was not yet fallen so low as not to remonstrate, and the dispute was waxing sharp, when there was a confused outcry in the Gallic camp, a shout from the heights of the Capitol, and into the midst of the open space rode a band of Roman patricians and knights in armor, with the Dictator Camillus at their head.

How the habit of thinking the unconquered land theirs would encourage Israel. Efforts without hope are feeble; hope without effort is fallacious. Israel's history is significant. The land was never actually all conquered.

Burke had compared the levelling policy of the Assembly in their geometrical division of the departments, and their isolation from one another of the bodies of the state, to the treatment which a conquered country receives at the hands of its conquerors.

"The case isn't desperate unless you are obstinate too," he said, with a look which conquered me. I fanned him a little while longer; not long. For I was able very soon to go across to Preston. "Are you going to desert me for that fellow?" he growled. "I must desert you, for whoever wants me more than you do; and you must be willing that I should."