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These were prophetic words; for no sooner were they all again seated, than the Duke, filling his glass and pushing the claret to Coningsby, observed, 'I suppose Lord Monmouth does not trouble himself much about the New Poor Law? 'Hardly, said Coningsby.

Coningsby, Lord Henry Sydney is a very great friend of yours? 'Very. 'He is very amiable. 'Very. 'He does a great deal for the poor at Beaumanoir. A very fine place, is it not? 'Very. 'As fine as Coningsby? 'At present, with Mrs. Guy Flouncey at Coningsby, Beaumanoir would have no chance. 'Ah! you laugh at me again! Now tell me, Mr. Coningsby, what do you think we shall do to-night?

As for the dominion of Coningsby himself, it was not limited to the immediate circle of his friends. He had become the hero of Eton; the being of whose existence everybody was proud, and in whose career every boy took an interest. They talked of him, they quoted him, they imitated him. Fame and power are the objects of all men.

'Well, you did not divide, Vavasour, said Lord Henry. 'Did I not? said Vavasour; 'and nearly beat the Government. You are a pretty fellow! 'I was paired. 'With some one who could not stay. Your brother, Mrs. Coningsby, behaved like a man, sacrificed his dinner, and made a capital speech. 'Oh! Oswald, did he speak? Did you speak, Harry? 'No; I voted.

In the present instance it happened that, while Coningsby was watching his grandfather, he observed a gentleman advance, make his bow, say and receive a few words and retire.

Perhaps, if Coningsby had been resident in England, these realities of the situation would have been immediately apparent. Residing in America, the real outlines of the struggle were a little dimmed by distance. Nevertheless, from the very first he saw clearly where his duty lay. He could not enlist immediately. He was bound in honour to fulfil various literary obligations.

The door was flung noisily back, and Major Coningsby strode in. "Hullo! Very good of you to look me up so soon. Sorry I wasn't in to receive you. Haven't you had a drink yet?" He tossed his riding-whip down upon the table, and busied himself with the glasses. Carey drew near; his face was stern. "I have something to say to you," he said, "before we drink, if you have no objection."

'I was glad to see it all ended very well, said Millbank. 'It has not begun yet, said Coningsby. 'What? said Millbank. 'Why, the revolution. 'The Reform Bill will prevent a revolution, my father says, said Millbank. 'By Jove! here's the goose, said Buckhurst.

The secret of Millbank's life was a passionate admiration and affection for Coningsby. Pride, his natural reserve, and his father's injunctions, had, however, hitherto successfully combined to restrain the slightest demonstration of these sentiments. Indeed, Coningsby and himself were never companions, except in school, or in some public game.

'As for Vavasour's definition of civilisation, said Coningsby, 'civilisation was more advanced in ancient than modern times; then what becomes of the progressive principle? Look at the great centuries of the Roman Empire! You had two hundred millions of human beings governed by a jurisprudence so philosophical that we have been obliged to adopt its laws, and living in perpetual peace.