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There is a fine quarry or ledge of jasper located in the easterly part of the town, near Saugus River, just at the foot of the conical-shaped elevation known as "Round Hill." which Professor Hitchcock, in his last geological survey, pronounced to be the best specimen in the state. Mrs.

"That land out there should be of some interest to us, Alvarez," said the captain, pointing to the little conical-shaped islets the ship was passing.

Rods and lines are generally used by them. They also catch fish by means of a small conical-shaped wicker basket. The larger end is completely open. Into this, which is placed in a current, the fish enter, and swimming rapidly on, jam themselves into the narrow end, where, unable to turn, they are completely secured.

It is a common practice to diminish or make conical-shaped tubes. All my experience goes to prove that, excepting a very trifling allowance for friction, the area of the smallest part of the tube rules the power, the value of the mixing-tube being no more than that of the smallest part.

The conical-shaped winter tenements had each a thatch of snow; the great circular council-house, with its whitened dome, glimmered as stately as some marble rotunda, on its high mound, distinct against the blurring blue shadow of the night and the gray clouds and the bare boughs of the encompassing forest.