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Said he, "When I was young, congregations used to sing such psalms as this: "The Lord descended from above, And bowed the heavens most high; And underneath His feet He cast The darkness of the sky. "On cherubim and seraphim Right royally He rode, And on the wings of mighty winds Came flying all abroad.

The endowment from the tiends or tithes, extorted by John Knox from the Lords of the congregations, who had seized on the church lands, was more meagre for the schoolmasters than for the clergy. I think Mr.

The quarterly meeting of the Quakers, which comes next in order, is much more numerously attended than the monthly. The monthly, as we have just seen, superintend the concerns of a few congregations or particular meetings which were contained in a small division of the county. The quarterly meeting, on the other hand, superintends the concerns of all the monthly meetings in the county at large.

Wherever the highway crossed the railway track the whole population of the neighborhood was assembled on the highway and in the fields. Huge bonfires lighted up the scene. Pastors of the local churches of all denominations had united in leading their congregations for greeting and farewell for their beloved president.

Aunt Hannah explained, after he and Uncle Mark had gone out, that he was one of those energetic Gospellers who had done so much for the back settlements of America; that he was an overseer among them his duty being to move from place to place to form new congregations where none existed, and to strengthen and encourage the older ones.

Piety afforded me comfort; yet I was disturbed by the objections that have been made against a particular providence, and by the arguments of those who maintain that it is in vain to hope that the petitions of an individual, or even of congregations, can have any influence with the Deity. I asked Col with much earnestness what I could do.

In Rock Creek, Illinois, the Presbyterian Church has a community to itself, and ministers in its territory with the same efficiency with which the Baptist church across the creek ministers to its territory, in which it also has a religious monopoly. These two congregations respect one another and have a sense of supplementing one another, which is a form of co-operation.

Having once ceased to feel anxiety about some vague impending vengeance, comparatively few chose to be rated any longer about their sins; while some seeing how in the spate the righteous were taken and the wicked left, felt themselves aggrieved, and staid at home on the Sunday nights. Nor was the deterioration confined to the congregations.

Before leaving Denmark, I visited all thirteen of the congregations which were there at that time, and preached my farewell sermon. In each place they gave me an offering and a large size envelope, thick and fat and written on the outside, "Not to be opened until on the North Sea or the Atlantic."

On leaving it he wrote an admirable 'Letter of Wholesome Counsel' urging the continual study of the word of God in families and in congregations.