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As he bowed and seated himself beside his new acquaintance, he could not but observe that her cheeks were suffused with the most lively blushes, and that she received him with a confusion not common even in ladies just brought out, and just introduced to "a lion."

"Doesn't that satisfy you that it must be artistic, since some one likes it?" Mrs. Hewson, finding herself suddenly the object of the conversation, picked her teeth in hurried confusion. Her husband surveyed the company over the rim of his cup and then returned to his reading of the evening paper. During the weighted silence that followed Janet's last remark, he laid down his paper.

"The duke," he added, "replied that he would cease to know you as soon as he found out the badness of your character himself." These three shocks, following in such quick succession, cast me into a state of confusion. I said nothing till we heard mass together, but I believe that if I had not then told him the whole story I should have had an apoplectic fit. Varnier pitied me, and said,

However, assured that he was alone, he carefully examined his six- shooter, and began to reckon what chances there were for and against arresting Sillett single-handed. Ordinarily, he was quick enough at such calculations, but Bud introduced confusion into every sum. "I'm in an awful hole," reflected the unhappy Jeff.

In the streets there is no bustle of business nothing of the din and confusion of traffic which mark most cities; it seems like a place for study and quiet enjoyment. The railroad brought us in three hours from Leipsic, over the eighty miles of plain that intervene.

But the commencement of producing general confusion originated with the woman. If the gods had granted her the husband of whom she was worthy, that she should soon see the crown in her own house, which she now saw at her father's. She soon inspires the young man with her own daring notions.

But the solidarity which you establish between German militarism and German culture, of which you and your colleagues claim to be the representatives, is a proof of the confusion of German conceptions. To present Goethe, Beethoven, and Kant to the world you surround them with bayonets.

"If I get you rightly, as each state is governed by its own independent laws, the status of married persons must be governed by the law of the state where they are; otherwise if every couple on some theory of exterritoriality carried the law of the state where they happened to have been joined together round with them we would have the spectacle of every state in the union interpreting the divorce laws of every other state confusion worse confounded."

I do not know what you mean exactly, Esther," said Lady Cecilia, in utter confusion. "I mean exactly what I say," pursued Miss Clarendon; "that if I reason wrong, and come to a false conclusion, or what you call a cruel conclusion, it is not my fault, but the fault of those who do not plainly tell me the facts." She looked from Lady Cecilia to her brother, and from her brother to Lady Cecilia.

Evil and good were growing up in confusion, like the tares and the wheat. For more than eighty years past France has been gathering the harvest of ages; she has not yet separated the good grain from the rubbish which too often conceals it.