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They had acquired wealth, and influence which was in many cases hereditary in their family, and by the beginning of the sixteenth century they were confronted with the more or less veiled and more or less open opposition of the smaller guildsmen and of the newest comers into the city, the shiftless proletariat of serfs and free peasants, whom economic pressure was fast driving within the walls, owing to the changed conditions of the times.

But Miss Rood could see no way out of their awkward situation, which grew more intolerable every moment as they thus confronted each other. It was finally Mr. Morgan's voice, quite firm, but with an indescribable sadness in the tones, which broke the silence: "Young people, I owe you an apology, such as it is.

Success seemed within his grasp. Then, suddenly, just as his fingers were about to close upon the prize the prize that meant to him life and plenty, instead of death the Louchoux girl, a passing folly of a bygone day, had suddenly risen up and confronted him and he knew that his cause was lost.

His eager lips closed on hers. "Nancy! Ah, darling, why not let everything go and marry me at once?" Ah, why not, indeed? As if Peter Champneys had reached across the sea to divide her and Glenn, a stern voice answered Glenn's question. "Because she has a husband already," it said harshly. Chalky white, with blazing eyes, Chadwick Champneys confronted Peter's wife in another man's arms.

I tell you frankly we have no money; but, by God! we must and shall have the tobacco." The captain had been reared amidst a race of men who had imbued him with the importance of hitting decisively and with promptness, when confronted with situations which demanded physical action.

"Ah, not that, madame," he cried, and his voice was stricken. "Say not that. I would serve you as would none other in all this world you know it, Marquise; you know it." She faced about, and confronted him, her smile a trifle broader, as if amusement were now blending with her scorn. "It is easy to protest. Easy to say, 'I will die for you, so long as the need for such a sacrifice be remote.

It seemed to Wilberforce Kingsnorth, hardened after-dinner speaker though he was, that never had a body of men such as he confronted and who met his gaze by dropping their eyes modestly to their glasses, been so genuinely thrilled by so original, so comprehensive and so dramatic a conclusion to a powerful appeal.

He was entering upon the prime years of manhood; golden opportunities confronted him as, indeed, they confronted other men but Paret had the foresight to take advantage of them.

He slipped off his seat, and knelt on the floor at Mollie's feet. "And I have come to you," he said gravely, "to ask you to share it with me, for it's worth nothing, and worse than nothing, if I have not you by my side!" He held out his hand as he spoke, and Mollie laid hers in it, while her face confronted him, white and tense with excitement. "I can't I can't believe it!" she gasped.

Such was the nicety with which Robert Morton had been dovetailed into the Galbraith plans, his welcome in every direction assured him. And now here he stood confronted by the probable overthrow of the whole delicately balanced structure.