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As he spoke the pinnaces, long-boats, and cutters of the two ships of war dashed into the harbor, and in a minute or two reached the landing-place. "So they gave you the slip as well as me, Chambers?" Captain Wilson said. "Confound them, yes. I was within about four miles of them at sunset, but they both gave me the slip in the dark." "Mine fairly outsailed me," Captain Wilson said.

Cai glanced at the back of William Skin, who had started to hum or rather to croon a tuneless song while knotting a rope to the second ladder. No: it was impossible to say what he wished to say in the presence of William Skin, confound him! Skin's deafness, Skin's imperturbability, might have limits. . . . "You wish me to advise you?" he controlled himself to ask. "No, I don't.

When Tayoga and Willet and he walked there, they saw the shades of the great Mohawk sachems of long ago, come down from the great shining stars on which they now lived, to confound the French, and to tell the children of the Ganeagaono never to trust them. Stirred beyond control, a fierce shout burst from the nine Mohawk sachems.

The situation of the prime minister was unpleasant and even perilous; and the duration of his power would probably have been short, had not fortune, just at this moment, put it in his power to confound his adversaries by rendering a great service to the state, The Jacobites had seemed in August to be completely crushed.

Sighting, Tom raised the rifle, glancing through the sights at the little white furred thing. "Confound him! He looks too cute for anything," muttered Tom. "I haven't the heart " Abruptly Reade lowered the air rifle. "See here, Harry, if your mouth is watering for rabbit stew you come here and get the gun, and do the shooting yourself.

But they made up their minds to die bravely, all except the porter, who loudly inquired of Zobeida why he was to suffer for other people's faults, and declared that these misfortunes would never have happened if it had not been for the Calenders, who always brought ill-luck. He ended by imploring Zobeida not to confound the innocent with the guilty and to spare his life.

'Confound it, Cousin Feenix says good-natured creature, Cousin Feenix 'when we do get a rich City fellow into the family, let us show him some attention; let us do something for him. I give this woman to be married to this man, saith Cousin Feenix therefore.

Well, he's going to be married soon and will bring his wife out." "Do you know her? Who is she?" "Yes; I know her very well. She's Helen Dalton." "The girl you ought to have married!" Sadie exclaimed. "What's she like? I guess you have her picture, though you haven't shown it me." "I had one, but haven't now. I meant to burn the thing, but suspect that Festing stole it. Confound him!"

'His uncle has made love to me. I cannot bear it, said Rosa, at once with a burst of tears, and a stamp of her little foot; 'I shudder with horror of him, and I have come to you to protect me and all of us from him, if you will? 'I will, cried Mr. Grewgious, with a sudden rush of amazing energy. 'Damn him! "Confound his politics! Frustrate his knavish tricks! On Thee his hopes to fix?

The more urgent the required change, the more intemperate is the vehemence of its promoters. Let no one, then, confound with the principles of this social nonconformity the acerbity and the disagreeable self-assertion of those who first display it.