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Give me your hand, Balby; the poor musician, Frederick Zoller, will bid farewell to his friend, and not only to you, Balby, but farewell also to my youth. This is my last youthful adventure. Now, I shall grow old and cold gracefully. One thing I wish to say before I resume my royalty; confidentially, I am not entirely displeased with the change.

Why not remain in the infantry, which would be much more natural and simple?" "Why? Shall I tell you the truth, Leonora? Let me tell you, then, confidentially; it is because long marches would incommode me. And you? Would it not be better for you to follow my example?" "No," said Leonora, "I shall remain in the infantry, and become one of Lutzow's riflemen a member of the Legion of Vengeance.

During the afternoon he had told them the tiger story, and had confidentially informed them how it was that Bathurst from his birth had been the victim of something like nervous paralysis at all loud sounds, especially those of the discharge of firearms. "His conduct today," he said, "and his courage in rescuing that native girl from the tiger, illustrate his character.

I saw a closed car turn into St. James's Park and, evidently according to orders, the chauffeur drove very slowly. There were two men inside, talking very earnestly. One of them was Hugh; the other was well, the most important man at the War Office, who seldom, as you know, speaks to any one." "You mean to say that he was alone, talking confidentially with Hugh?" Geraldine exclaimed incredulously.

Be very particular to deserve my custom and recommendation, David. 'I can lend you three pounds on this, if you like' said the shopman to Martin, confidentially. 'It is very old-fashioned. I couldn't say more. 'And devilish handsome, too, cried Mr Tigg. 'Two-twelve-six for the watch, and seven-and-six for personal regard. I am gratified; it may be weakness, but I am. Three pounds will do.

Oh, no, it is seldom resorted to. One does not lightly call Prince Rollo to one's aid. That is the final appeal when all other justice fails." Yvonne, who was waiting upon the table, reappeared from a brief absence with a beaming face. "It is Monsieur Max who arrives," she said confidentially to Constance. "Max!" exclaimed Connie. "Why, how nice! Sha'n't he come directly, Dad?

As syndic of the town, it was impossible to prevent his knowledge of Government secrets, and when these occasionally escaped, they were always traced to his not being able to hold his tongue. Nothing pleased Mynheer Krause so much as a secret, because nothing gave him so much pleasure as whispering it confidentially into the ear of a dozen confidential friends.

He laughed, and then looking around him, said confidentially in a lower voice, which, however, was quite audible to the children, "There's as much as three bags of silver in quarter and half dollars in my treasure box in the coach that has been poured, yes, just showered upon them, ever since they started, and have been passed over from agent to agent and messenger to messenger, enough to pay their passage from here to China!

"Then you won't tell me where you've been?" said he. "You won't tell me where you've been!" He was silent for a moment and then said confidentially: "We might as well say we've been somewhere together. I mean, if any one asks." "Thank you, I don't need to fib," said she. "I don't mean I need to. Only " he seemed to find it difficult to explain.

We have but lately seen him confidentially assuring his minister that his only aim was "to wind himself handsomely out of the whole business." Maurice must have found it difficult to preserve his gravity when assigning such a part to "Master Jacques."