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"Seven kinds of a young fool, eh?" remarked the stranger, shifting a long-handled axe and a heavy wooden mallet which he carried from his shoulder to the ground. "Well, you ain't no fool, boy, an' I know it, an' that's why I follered you up this trail. I want ter have a little confab with you to-day. Know who I am?"

With all his illiteracy and crudity of language he had rare insight into the human heart and was full of subtle sympathy. He was the only person in America with whom I often indulged in a heart-to-heart confab. He was keenly aware of my loneliness. It seemed as though it disturbed him "You are not a happy man, Levinsky," he once said to me. "You feel more alone than any bachelor I ever knew.

"I told you beforehand it was going to be a political confab," said the club-man in self-defense. "And you mustn't treat it lightly, either. Ten prattling words of what you have heard to-night set afloat on the gossip pool of this town might make it pretty difficult for our David." "We are not very likely to babble," retorted Penelope. "We are not so rich in intimates in this aboriginal desert."

Gladstone's conception of Deity, hence he finds no difficulty in accepting them. To Col. Ingersoll, however, there is something ridiculous in the idea of the Creator of the Cosmos become a bonfire and holding a private confab with the stuttering Hebrew. He demands undisputable evidence, it is not forthcoming, and he brands the story as a fraud. For the same reason that Mr.

"In a few moments he can build a birch bark shack, start a fire inside and go to sleep comfortably." "Ebenezer, what is all this confab about? What did my brother tell you?" asked Mrs. Zane, anxiously. "We are in for more trouble from the Wyandots and Shawnees. But, Bessie, I don't believe it will come soon. We are too well protected here for anything but a protracted siege."

Recounting my experience to Mr L and the lawyers, after a long confab they decided that I should go down again and take possession. They refused me the services of a sheriff or a deputy to serve the papers and represent the law. No, I was to take possession in any way my wits might suggest; they merely proposing that everything I did I should put on paper and make affidavit to and send up to them.

"'Hol' on dar, Brer Rabbit, sez Brer Fox, sezee. "'I ain't got time, Brer Fox, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, sorter mendin' his licks. "'I wanter have some confab wid you, Brer Rabbit, sez Brer Fox, sezee. "'All right, Brer Fox, but you better holler fum whar you stan'. I'm monstus full er fleas dis mawnin', sez Brer Rabbit, sezee.

Then I have only to apply to you, Lady Tinemouth. Your ladyship must know," cried she, "that as Lady Sara and I were a moment ago driving up the Haymarket, I nodded to Mr. Coleman, who was coming out of the playhouse. He stopped, I pulled the check-string, and we had a great deal of confab out of the window. He tells me a new farce is to come out this day week, and he hoped I would be there!

So we turned into Barney Kiernan's and there, sure enough, was the citizen up in the corner having a great confab with himself and that bloody mangy mongrel, Garryowen, and he waiting for what the sky would drop in the way of drink. There he is, says I, in his gloryhole, with his cruiskeen lawn and his load of papers, working for the cause.

There could be no disputing this fact. A round table occupied the center of a small room, with a chair on either side of it. A pack of cards and decanter of liquor occupied the center of the table, also a couple of glasses. "Everything as snug's pigs in clover," chuckled Jounce. "This ere's the boss' private room, where he entertains peticler guests. Them as wants a private confab comes in here."