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A correct relation between the weight of the storage heat mass above the heating element, and the weight of the sole plate beneath the heating element. Upon this relation depends good ironing results. Cord connections to slip in and out easily. Switch in plug connection or on cord. Plug connection so heat insulated as to prevent conduction of heat, and overheating of cord at connections.

The combustion, moreover, is never perfect; and some heat is lost by conduction and radiation. The principal loss is by hot gases escaping from the flues to the chimney. Even with well-set boilers, the temperature in the chimney varies from 400° to 600° Fahr.

These particles are the actual agents of conduction of electricity, since the gas when filtered ceases to be conductive. But there is another way in which the particles may be removed namely, by action of electricity itself.

In the case of the conduction or diffusion of heat the process is not only irreversible, but it involves the irreversible diminution of that part of the whole stock of thermal energy which is capable of being converted into mechanical work.

The skin is the chief means by which the body gets rid of an excess of heat and, by so doing, avoids overheating. *How the Skin cools the Body.*—The skin is a means of ridding the body of an excess of heat in at least two ways: 1. By the conduction and radiation of heat from its surface as from a stove.

When Fourier had determined the laws of conduction of heat, and when the Earth's temperature had been found to increase below the surface one degree in every forty yards, there were data for inferring the past condition of our globe; the vast period it has taken to cool down to its present state; and the immense age of the solar system a purely astronomical consideration.

The cedars and other trees of allied families grow naturally in moist ground, and the white cedar of the Northern States, Thuya occidentalis, is chiefly found in swamps. The roots of this tree do not penetrate deeply into the earth, but are spread out near the surface, and of course do not carry off the waters of the swamp by perpendicular conduction.

Far more interesting are the results obtained by the study of gases in their relation to the conduction of electricity. As is well known, gases under ordinary conditions are nonconductors.

His most important work was concerned with the conduction of heat and with spectroscopy.

Clothing retards the loss of heat by keeping in contact with it a layer of still air, which is an exceedingly bad conductor. When a man feels too warm and throws off his coat, he removes one of the badly conducting layers of air, and increases the heat loss by radiation and conduction.