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When the votes of the Conclave had been united in favour of Peter Ottobuoni, an ancient Cardinal who assumed the appellation of Alexander the Eighth, the representative of France assisted at the installation, bore up the cope of the new Pontiff, and put into the hands of His Holiness a letter in which the most Christian King declared that he renounced the odious privilege of protecting robbers and assassins.

During this Pope's reign, the smallpox was rife in Rome, in consequence of the suppression of public vaccination. In each conclave, Austria had secured the choice of a 'Zealot, as the party afterwards called Ultramontane was then designated.

The marquis would have admitted his excuses, had there been any precedent of such an affront being washed away without blood. A conclave of honour was immediately assembled; and after long disputes, they agreed, that an involuntary offence, especially from such a kind of man, d'un tel homme, might be attoned by concessions.

A firm loud tread was now heard stamping outside; the door was opened about six inches, and somebody on the other side exclaimed "Neighbours, have ye got room for a few new-born lambs?" "Ay, sure, shepherd," said the conclave. The door was flung back till it kicked the wall and trembled from top to bottom with the blow. Mr.

Grandon off for a smoke, since we do not sit over wine." "And I shall appropriate Mrs. Grandon," declares Gertrude, with unusual verve. When they reach the drawing-room she says, "Send Cecil to Jane, will you not?" But Cecil has no mind to be dismissed from the conclave.

She seemed to see the funeral from two viewpoints at once: her own, the film in history class, and Jim's being there. Then came the Conclave that elected Forrest as Crown Prince when Davis became Emperor. Then war struck. Fragmentary memories of battle flickered by, then came a chance to capture a Traiti ship.

At last the masons of the conclave have opened a rude door, through which steps out on the balcony the first Cardinal Deacon, and proclaims to the many, or to the few, who may happen to be waiting, that they again possess a sovereign and a Pontiff. We arrived in Rome at three in the afternoon, with letters which ensured us an audience with the Pope.

He comes to his art without prejudice or preconception of any kind, it appears. He plays with its elements as capriciously as the child plays with paper and crayons. He amuses himself with each instrument of the band careless of its customary uses. There are times when Strawinsky comes into the solemn conclave of musicians like a gamin with trumpet and drum.

At the prayer of the Empress Bianca, he released her brother, Ermes Sforza, in 1502, and a year later allowed Ascanio Sforza to return to Rome, at the request of Cardinal d'Amboise, and give his vote in the papal conclave.

"Alack!" said one of the conclave, "I fear me that the men of Belial will work us harm; the heathen are mighty, and " "Fear not," said Edward, with benign loftiness, observing that his guests grew pale, and himself, though often weak to childishness, and morally wavering and irresolute, still so far king and gentleman, that he knew no craven fear of the body.