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Then she reasoned with herself, knowing that Will Corliss had given up all interest in the Concho, not to please her but to hurt her, for the night before his disappearance he had asked her to marry him and she had very sensibly refused, telling him frankly that she liked him, but that until he had settled down to something worth while she had no other answer for him.

A thousand tiny blades, nestling in the crevices of rocks, nurtured in storms and rocked by the trade winds, stretched their wan and feeble arms toward Him; but Concho the strong, Concho the brave, Concho the light-hearted spake not nor stirred. There was persistent neighing on the summit. Concho's horse wanted his breakfast.

Wingle, kneeling, examined the cowboy's six-gun. Corliss, in a burst of wrath, turned on Sundown. "Damn you, open your mouth. What do you know about this?" Sundown bit his nails and glowered at Corliss. "God A'mighty sent me " he began. With a swift gesture Corliss interrupted. "You're working for the Concho. Was he dead when you found him?"

The Mexican cook, or rather the cook's assistant, was the only one present when Sundown drifted in, for the Concho was, in the parlance of the riders, "A man's ranch from chuck to sunup, and never a skirt on the clothes-line." Not until evening was Sundown able to make his errand known, and appreciated.

Alarmed as Concho was at the information, he could not help feeling to a certain extent relieved. She was lamed, but had not lost her standing as a good Catholic. He ventured to lift his eyes. A stranger an Americano from his dress and accent was descending the rocks toward him.

Experience had taught him that it was useless to go against The Spider, whose warning, whether it were based on fact or not, was a hint to leave the country. The posse from Concho, after circling the midnight desert and failing to find any trace of Pete, finally drew together and decided to wait until daylight made it possible to track him.

And because Pete wanted to talk about something entirely impersonal, he at once began to ask her what she thought of his latest plan, which was to purchase an interest in the Concho, spend his summers working with the men and his winters in Tucson, studying with Forbes about whom he had written to her. Doris thought it was a splendid plan.

He'll give you what you need as you want it." "Banks? The sheriff?" "Yes." "Oh, all right. Suppose you think I'm not to be trusted." "No. But we'll leave it that way till I see you again. Write in if you need me and take care of yourself. When you get ready to settle down, I'll turn over your share of the Concho to you. So long, Will." Will Corliss watched his brother drive away.

One of their notable captures was a brace of road-agents who had appropriated the Concho stage road and about everything of value that travelled it. The two were tried in the Federal Court at Austin and sentenced to hard labor at Huntsville. Gosling and Manning started to escort them to their new field of activity.

He did not realize that deer-hunting was an excuse to be alone. Jim Bailey, however, was not altogether happy. He was worried about Young Pete. The incident at the round-up had set him thinking. The T-Bar-T and the Concho men were not over-friendly. There were certain questions of grazing and water that had never been definitely settled.