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"I can't think of anything else but that young man and and Celia Grant. Such a dear, sweet girl!" "My favours concerns both the wicked young man and the dear, sweet girl," said Reggie. "I am going to ask you to refrain from uttering your warning; for two reasons.

But proceed, Demetrius we now come to that portion of the narrative which so nearly concerns my present proceedings." "Yes, my lord, and God give your highness success!" exclaimed the young Greek.

Tell her, that more than once, when about to commit some desperate offence, I have been restrained by her gentle image. If hopeless love for her made me a robber, it has also saved me many a crime. Will you tell her that?" "I will," replied Thames, earnestly. "Enough," said Jack, recovering his composure. "And now, to your own concerns.

Though tranquil, it will be my fault if you find the hour dull, for this particular literary chapter concerns life, manners, society, conduct, human nature, our aims, our ideals, and all besides that is most animated and most interesting in man's busy chase after happiness and wisdom. What is wisdom? That sovereign word, as has often been pointed out, is used for two different things.

With that complacency and fortitude which were peculiar to herself, this hapless stranger resisted all those artful temptations. Her sustenance was barely such as exempted her from the guilt of being accessory to her own death; her drink was the simple element. She encouraged no discourse but that which turned upon the concerns of her immortal part.

The Colonel, however, continued, with unchanged deliberation: "It concerns er a young lady a beautiful, high-souled creature, sir, who, apart from her personal loveliness er er I may say is of one of the first families of Missouri, and er not remotely connected by marriage with one of er er my boyhood's dearest friends.

The judicious Mollak laid hold of that Instant to discourse of the Concerns of his Conscience to the dying Monarch; and as his own Reflections, had beforehand suggested preparative Ideas of it, he was the sooner brought to the wished for Contrition and Repentance.

He paused for a moment, reflecting perhaps on the pleasures that had been missed by him because of his inability to save money and his dislike of practical concerns.

He accordingly quitted Leipsic about the middle of May 1565, and after having arranged his domestic concerns in Denmark, he continued his astronomical observations with the radius constructed for him by Scultetus. The ardour with which he pursued his studies gave great umbrage to his friends as well as to his relations.

I rejoice that the state of your concerns, external as well as internal, no longer renders the pursuit of inclination incompatible with the sentiment of duty or propriety, and am persuaded, whatever partiality may be retained for my services, that in the present circumstances of our country, you will not disapprove of my determination to retire.