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I know the Guardian does write the class, for this same concern's got a factory in Boston and I got a Guardian policy on it only yesterday. That's why I'm giving you this. Your Boston agents, Sternberg, Bloom, and McCoy, place the Boston end for us. What's the matter don't your agents have any prohibited list, or do you let them do things you can't do in your own office?" "Eddy," said Mr.

Some years ago, when the firm of Douglas, Lacey & Company was reaping its harvest, an inspector was assigned to investigate the concern's operations. He was one of the ablest inspectors of the service, a man with real detective ability and a knowledge of the devious ways of certain kinds of financing.

The concern's a manufacture and a manufacture that, if it's only properly looked after, may well be on the way to become a monopoly. It's a little thing they make make better, it appears, than other people can, or than other people, at any rate, do. Mr.

The concern's contract is water-tight." The two young men went down together through the black hallways, and stood talking at the outer door. "How do people live in places like this?" exclaimed Hal. "Not very successfully. The death-rate is pretty high. Particularly of late.

The business concern's interest in the traffic in which it engages is a short-term interest, or an interest in the short-term returns, as contrasted with the long-term or enduring interest which the community at large has in the public service over which any such given business concern disposes.

Another is a little more complicated. It 's a water-wheel, driving a pump that throws a stream into the race that feeds the water-wheel, so that you use the same water over and over again, and the whole concern's self-acting. The idea came into my head like an inspiration. Mind, I'm telling you in confidence, for there 's a thousand notes hanging on to it."

It was ideal, according to his estimate view, harbor, water privileges, still water and surf bathing, climate everything. He came to me and we discussed buying it. Then we discovered that this Development Company owned it. Fifty thousand dollars, the concern's capitalization, was too much to pay.

The concern's equipment was old and much of it needed renewal, but its financial affairs were in good shape, except for a mortgage of a hundred thousand dollars held by one J. W. Williams. "About this mortgage," Mr. Chalmers advised Mr. Burnit; "its time limit expires within two months, and I have no doubt that is why Sharpe wants to put additional capital into the concern.

In addition to these out-and-out expenditures, there were dozens of little leaks in all the departments of the business, all busily draining away not only possible profits, but the working capital, and, finally, the limit of the concern's credit.

There must be something warmer than the ordinary between us two, Deucalion, if you could guess who walked beneath all these mufflings." I let that pass. "But what's your errand, girl?" "Aye," she said bitterly, "there's my reward. All your concern's for the message, none for the carrier. Well, good my lord, you are husband to the dainty Phorenice no longer." "This is news." "And true enough, too.