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Moreover, her suspicions concerning Major Carew had been lulled to rest by Erskine's favourable pronouncement. Personally she did not like him, but this was, after all, a matter of taste; she could not approve his actions, but conceivably there might be explanations of which she was unaware.

Feeling in the dark corners of his memory, he presently came on something that might conceivably be an impression of some such stimulating effect. It dawned upon him that he had happened upon a lucky encounter, that at last he might learn something of the new age. The old man wheezed awhile and spat, and then the piping, reminiscent voice resumed: "The first time they rejected him.

Lagune was an undeniable ass, and conceivably psychic research was an incentive to trickery. Then he remembered the matter in his relation to Ethel.... "Your stepfather is a little hard to follow," he said at last, sitting on the bed and taking off one boot. "He's dodgy he's so confoundedly dodgy. One doesn't know where to take hold of him.

Max Muller had conceivably misapprehended Mr. Frazer's theory of the origin of totems. Then came into my mind the words of Professor Tiele, 'Beware of weak brethren' such as Herr Lippert seems, as far as this definition is concerned, to be. Nobody knows the origin of totemism. We find no race on its way to becoming totemistic, though we find several in the way of ceasing to be so.

Henceforth things might be conceivably better, but they would be different. Mary took the news of her great promotion in an unthankful spirit. "Lady Anne is very kind," she said tearfully; "but I don't want to stay with her. I couldn't bear to live anywhere but in Wistaria Terrace. It is absurd that you should say you have given your consent, papa.

There is nothing purer, nothing warmer than our first friendship, our first love, our first striving after truth, our first feeling for nature. Jean Paul Richter. Shakespeare is as much out of the category of eminent authors as he is out of the crowd. He is inconceivably wise; the others conceivably. Representative Men. A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.

But, on the other hand, virulent and inveterate political enmity, had it arisen, might quite conceivably have led the Americans to make it a point of honour to differentiate their speech from ours, as many Norwegians are at this moment making it a point of honour to differentiate their language from the Danish, which was until of late years the generally accepted medium of literary expression.

Conceivably astonished, the camper presently picked up the paper which Mr. Whittington dropped at his feet, and read it. As Philip stepped lazily from the trees he turned. It was Baron Tregar. Both men stared. "The Duke of Connecticut!" at length rumbled the Baron with perfect gravity. "I am overwhelmed." Philip, much the more astonished of the two, laughed and bowed.

You may, however, conceivably be in need of some yourself; here is five pounds. I have my own cheque-book, and shall therefore have no need to consider the question again for for the present. So far as you are concerned, I shall be guided solely by Mr Bethany. He will, I do not doubt, take full responsibility.

That quiet leisureliness of hers would not have been humanly possible if either her resolution or the means for executing it had remained in doubt. It was likely that she had whatever it was a narcotic, probably; morphine; she wouldn't, conceivably, resort to any of the corrosives upon her person at this moment. In that little silken bag which hung from her wrist.