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Perhaps Jake Vodell was right in believing that the friendship of John Ward and Charlie Martin was dangerous to his cause in Millsburgh. The Vodells, who with their insidious propaganda, menace America through her industrial troubles, will be powerless, indeed, when American employers and employees can think in terms of industrial comradeship.

"Poor lad!" she exclaimed contritely, slipping her hand into mine. "I should have guided you. Does it pain you?" "Not much." Our hands were clasped, and she pressed mine with all the sweet freedom of a comradeship which means nothing deeper. For I now had learned from her own lips, sadly enough, how it was with her how she regarded our friendship.

The memory of their young comradeship and joys together grew bright and warm. He longed to see Abel's face once more. Then came other memories, dark and cold, crowding in upon him with evil faces to chill and choke his love.

With difficulty were the smiths persuaded to yield to that request, for right seldom was there a feast in Dun Culain, and the unusual pleasure and joyful sense of comradeship and social exaltation were very pleasing to their hearts.

And let us also drink together to the Setch, that it may stand long for the ruin of the Mussulmans, and that every year there may issue forth from it young men, each better, each handsomer than the other. And let us drink to our own glory, that our grandsons and their sons may say that there were once men who were not ashamed of comradeship, and who never betrayed each other.

Neither of them was afraid, yet in that cavernous silence their comradeship was born anew, and in it there was something now that crept down into their wild little souls and filled the emptiness that was left by the death of Neewa's mother and the loss of Miki's master.

Gold, valor, comradeship and eyes resting appraisingly upon young Guarico women there upon the silver beach with Guarico men. I heard one cry "Master Juan Lepe!" and turning found Luis Torres. We embraced, we were so glad each to see the other. My hidalgos were gone, but before I could question Luis or he me, there bore down upon us, coming together like birds, half a dozen friars.

Perhaps she might learn to like some one better than Her sober reflections stopped there. She could not bring herself to the point of breaking her long comradeship with the girl who had failed her. Uncle John Roland was still staring at her and smilingly shaking his gray head. "I don't know. I can't think, and yet "

Her relationships with Joe always implied interdependence, a perfect give and take, a close yet easy comradeship which enabled her at any time to go her own way and work her own will. Sometimes Joe's mother felt that Sally was a woman of the future, and that, with such, marriage would become a finer and freer union.

The absence of mother kisses, of father comradeship, of endeavor to understand them individually, to probe their separate and various dispositions things so essential to the development of all that is best in a child went far towards governing their later actions in life.