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The old comrades and friends looked each other well over with smiling glances, and it seemed as if Edward marked in Paul as much change in the outward man as he had done in the prince. "By my troth, Paul, fair fortune has smiled upon you since last we met. And the gold spurs of knighthood too nay, now, what means that, good comrade? Were we not to have knelt side by side to receive that honour?

Let us e'en hide ourselves therein for a short hour. My mother will miss me from her side anon, and will send to seek me. I would not be found too easily. Come, let us hide ourselves there, and you shall tell me all about yourself, and we will play at being trusty friends and comrades. "It is dull work being always a prince. I would that we could change parts for once.

And hold! your eyes are a little the color of the periwinkle." He turned his head and looked at Gilbert with a scornful air, and had already prepared to leave him, when a glance over the road dispersed his ill-humor, for in the distance he saw Wilhelm and his comrades returning from the fete. "Come quick, my children," cried he, rising in his stirrups.

Yet, when an hour had slipped by, and Benson had not returned, even his loyal comrades began to wonder a good deal. From that frame of mind they passed on, at the end of another hour, to worry. As Jack reached the door of the United Service Club he found no one at the doorway. "That's strange," he muttered. But in another moment he looked down the street. A hundred feet away stood a closed cab.

'I'm sure, sir, it's not from any ingratitude, for I can hardly feel thankful to you and to Sir Simon, and to madam, and the young ladies, and all my comrades in the hospital, and I niver expect to be either so comfortable or so peaceful again, but 'But? What can you have to say against the place, then?

So he planned to visit your brother and talk the plan over with him." This calmed Mrs. Maxa a trifle, for her brother knew already how it stood between the three comrades and how little she wanted them to live together. But she could not help wondering why these people were trying to force the boys to live together.

On a less pressing occasion, and at a former period, they might have been forcible, nay, even conclusive. But the issue had been then narrowed to one of actual force. John Mitchel was transported, and the most trusted of his comrades had pledged their lives to redeem their brother felon at any cost.

So I thought then, my friends, but I did not see the lonely days when I should long to clasp those vanished hands, and turn my head away when I saw old comrades with their tall children standing round their chairs.

But Frank leaped at the bow of one boat and held it, while Bart and Billy with their comrades did the same to others. In a few minutes the fight was over. It had been a hot one while it lasted. Several of the Americans had been killed and quite a number wounded, but their loss had been largely exceeded by that of the enemy.

I succeeded in nothing except in fooling the wiseacres and getting admitted to the prison of my comrades, whom I furnished with instruments by which they made their escape. Since that time we have had to lie low yes, literally to lie low to keep out of sight, to burrow under ground; in a word, to live in this cavern."