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"I have received a letter from your uncle the vicar," she began. "He asks me to visit you, and I am happy for reasons which you shall presently hear to comply with his request. Under other circumstances I doubt very much, my dear child strange as the confession may appear whether I should have ventured into your presence. Was she in earnest? I listened to her and looked at her in amazement.

M. le Grand was preparing to comply with this request, when an order to the same effect reached him from the Regent, which tended to hasten his departure; but on arriving at Sens he was met by one of his friends, who warned him not to trust himself in the capital, as he had only been recalled in order that he might either be bribed or frightened into the resignation of his government, of which the Marquis d'Ancre had undertaken to effect the transfer to the Duc de Mayenne.

Booth answered that he would readily comply with this laudable custom, were it in his power; but that in reality he had not a shilling in his pocket, and, what was worse, he had not a shilling in the world. Upon which the keeper departed, and left poor Booth to the mercy of his companions, who, without loss of time, stripped him of his coat and hid it. Mr.

The Carthaginians hesitating to comply, Fabius, who was at the head of the embassy, exclaimed: "What is the meaning of this delay? In the fold of this garment I carry war and peace; which of the two do you choose?"

We had intended to write an interesting chapter on the use of a few acres of land for poultry, and another on raising a vast drove of rabbits, both from practical men, but a good average man, just such as this book is written for, sent the following: "I am very sorry that I cannot comply with your request to write a chapter on poultry for your new book.

Ninthly, But their principal Art of all is, to cry up, and bring in to Patients such Physicians, who through design must comply with the Apothecaries Interest, and such Practisers they extol and cry up for good Physicians, which some of them call more expresly good Apothecaries Physicians, and such without doubt, the whole Company will endeavour to raise unto a fame and practice.

They, therefore, entreated her highness to send to Madrid an envoy, well disposed, and fully acquainted with the state and temper of the times, who should endeavor to persuade the king to comply with the demands of the whole nation, and abolish the Inquisition, to revoke the edicts, and in their stead cause new and more humane ones to be drawn up at a general assembly of the states.

Moreover, whenever a question arose as to placing a plant in one place rather than another, the valet stated as a conclusive argument that the baroness liked it in such or such a place, or that she would be better pleased with this or that arrangement, or that he must comply with the instructions she had given him.

"I am sorry, Your Highness, but I have strict instructions in the event of your refusal to comply with my suggestion, that you are to remain in strict seclusion. I cannot permit you to see or speak to anyone outside, so I hope you will not embarrass me by making any such request." He pointed toward the windows. "You will notice, Highness, that there is a balcony in front of your apartments.

"The next day he sent and demanded payment of his money. It was not in my power to comply with the demand.