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"A party entered the tavern and, helping themselves, or rather compelling the inmates of the house to help them to whatever they wanted, they treacherously and with ruthlessness shot down John Raymond, an infirm old man, only because he, alarmed at this roughness and brutal conduct, was about leaving the house to seek a place of greater safety." Once more the British were on the march.

Please destroy it!" He returned to his room and placed the photograph on his table. It was wrapped in thin paper, and suddenly there came upon him a most compelling desire to see what Mortimer FitzHugh had looked like in life. Joanne would not care. Perhaps it would be best for him to know. He tore off the paper. And as he looked at the picture the hot blood in his veins ran cold.

When the great war broke out, I was mildly sympathetic with England, and mighty sorry in an indefinite way for France and Belgium; but my sympathies were not strong enough in any direction to get me into uniform with a chance of being killed. Nor, at first, was I able to work up any compelling hate for Germany. The abstract idea of democracy did not figure in my calculations at all.

But she had to turn hers away before he answered, and he as well as herself was conscious of the compelling effect his gaze had upon her. 'I could have made you marry me if I had been strong enough to persist, he said. 'Cannot any man do what he is strong enough to do if he wishes it enough to persist? 'I should have put it this way. If I had thought less of you and more of myself.

To remedy this evil, a statute was recommended by Governor Poindexter and enacted into a law, compelling suit to be commenced by all adverse claimants by a certain day. This effectually cured the evil, and a suit to establish titles is now very rare in Mississippi.

It seemed as if some imp of the perverse were compelling her unwilling tongue to unlock its secrets. "Sometimes," she cried in a low, tremulous voice, "something seems to seize me, as if by the hand and urge me onward. I cannot flee from it." "Defend yourself!" answered the priest subtly. "When you know that some one is trying to kill you mentally, defend yourself!

He was extremely ugly just then, ugly as the weather-worn gargoyle on some mediæval church tower; but his eyes were curiously compelling. "Good heavens! you don't mean that I've got to tell her!" Ormiston cried. He rose hurriedly, thrust his hands into his pockets, and walked a little unsteadily across to the window, crunching the shining pieces of Mrs.

He fixed his hold firmly on a blasted trunk growing within the chasm; It shook gave way another moment and he would have been lost; but in that moment he loosed his hold, clasped both hands above his head, and successfully made the leap aware only of the immense effort by the exhaustion which followed compelling him to sink down on the grass, deprived even of energy to look around him.

It was a wiser course to accept the terms which the King in his alarm proffered the settlement in favor of Burgundy of all the disputed questions which had arisen out of the treaties of Arras and Conflans and it might be possible to humiliate and disgrace Louis by compelling him to take part in the punishment of his allies, the citizens of Liège, who by their trust in him had been lured to destruction.

They realised the necessity of compelling barbarians and provincials alike to respect the elementary rights of person and property; Theodoric the Ostrogoth and Gundobad the Burgundian were the authors of new criminal codes, in the one case mainly, in the other partially, derived from Roman jurisprudence.