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Summers' school." "Certainly, Sir, I will seek him," said the landlord, hesitating; and then, drawing the Clergyman aside, he informed him in a whisper of his engagement with Walter, and with the present pursuit and meditated inquiry of his guest; not forgetting to insinuate his suspicion of the guilt of the man whom he was now called upon to compassionate.

And see the miserable woman lift her red and swollen eyes to the face of the heartless trader, and the next moment cast a despairing glance over the motley crowd, in search of a compassionate look a pitying eye.

Let the heartless scoff, the unjust despise! the heart that cries Abba, Father, cries to the God of the sparrow and the oxen; nor can hope go too far in hoping what that God will do for the creation that now groaneth and travaileth in pain because our higher birth is delayed. Shall not the judge of all the earth do right? Shall my heart be more compassionate than his?

SAMUEL: Saul, did you obey God? SAUL: I did not suppose such a command was positive. I thought that goodness was the first attribute of the Supreme Being, and that a compassionate heart could not displease him. SAMUEL: You are mistaken, unbeliever. God reproves you, your sceptre will pass into other hands. Perhaps no writer has ever roused more hatred in Christendom than Voltaire.

Davlin was myself," said the girl, in a full, clear voice. "And he is my only guardian, and will be." Olive Girard pushed back her chair, and rising, came and stood before her, with outstretched hand and pleading, compassionate eyes. "Just as I feared," she sighed; "the very worst. My poor child, do you know the character and occupation of this man?"

Though I am persuaded, said my uncle Toby, as the landlord shut the door, he is a very compassionate fellow Trim, yet I cannot help entertaining a high opinion of his guest too; there must be something more than common in him, that in so short a time should win so much upon the affections of his host; And of his whole family, added the corporal, for they are all concerned for him,. Step after him, said my uncle Toby, do Trim, and ask if he knows his name.

These things will tell you that He, the Spirit, has taken possession of what you surrendered, and that He is now at work within. These are His finger-prints. Then there will be the outflowing side of this filling. A passion that all men may know this compassionate God, will come as a fire burning in your bones. Its flames will envelop and go through everything you are and have and can do.

Time and again have We vouchsafed unto you Our favours, that ye may offer such thanks unto your Lord as to cause the tongues of all created things to speak forth in praise of Me, the All-Merciful, the Most Compassionate. 62 O Living Temple! Arise to serve this Cause through a might and a power born of Us.

You alone suffice to shatter into dust the haughty creeds of the Misanthrope and Pharisee! And your fidelity to my erring self has taught me ever to love, to serve, to compassionate, to respect the community of God's creatures to which noble and elevated though you are you yet belong!" He ceased, overpowered with the rush of his own thoughts. And Alice was too blessed for words.

They visited every place, went through all the streets, stopping whenever they saw a group of people, hoping for some providential meeting, some extraordinary luck, some compassionate fate. They frequently walked at haphazard straight ahead, leaning one against the other, looking so sad and poverty-stricken that people would give them alms without their asking.