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When I left Lisbon at half-past seven A.M. there was no demonstration such as had greeted my arrival; but at the first halting-place a man stepped out from a little crowd on the platform and shouted "Viva Machado dos Santos! Viva a Republica Portugueza!" and I found that the compartment adjoining my own was illumined by the presence of the bright particular star of the revolt.

King listened in silence, and his prisoners, watching him through the barred compartment windows, formed new and golden opinions of him, for it is common knowledge in the "Hills" that when a burra sahib speaks to a chota sahib, the chota sahib ought to say, "Yes, sir, oh, yes!" at very short intervals. Therefore King could not be a chota sahib after all. So much the better.

At last, however, by touching a secret spring, an inner compartment will open a roll of paper appears you seize it it contains many sheets of manuscript you hasten with the precious treasure into your own chamber, but scarcely have you been able to decipher 'Oh!

Then he threw his window wide open, as a general invitation to the insect world to enter! Moths, flying beetles, and other creatures were not slow to accept the invitation. They entered by twos, fours, sixes at last by scores, insomuch that the room became uninhabitable except by the man himself, and his comrades soon retired to their own compartment, leaving him to carry on his work alone.

If he is what he claims to be and I hold him here, I will get in trouble." Finally, he told the others that their charge was too thin and they hurriedly left his office. I never saw them again. The station master escorted me to my compartment and I noticed that from Cologne to the French Frontier I had no other traveling companions. My arrival and what I accomplished in Paris is commonplace.

If for some reason the train had backed into the station and ejected its passengers, those two would have covered up their feelings again in an instant. Such is human nature in the Five Towns. When Edward Henry withdrew his head into the compartment Brindley and Mr.

Maurice Mohun's first words when he found the compartment free for a tete-a-tete with his brother. 'All's well that ends well, was the brief reply. 'Well, indeed! Mary would not have thought so. To which the colonel had nothing to say. 'It serves me out, his brother went on presently.

"It will be just like the front of the aluminum gas container of the airship, only built of steel. In it will be a compartment for a set of batteries, and there will be a searchlight there. From the top of some supporters in front of the two rear seats, a slanting sheet of steel will come right down to meet the sloping nose of the car.

Daylight came at last, cold and gray, over those dreary interminable marshes where game, especially snipe, seemed abundant, and at a small station at the head of a lake called Davidstadt I took my morning glass of tea; then we resumed our journey down to Viborg, where a short, thick-set Russian of the commercial class, but something of a dandy, entered my compartment, and we left express for Petersburg.

There, in the railway station, I was presented by a young Austrian nobleman to an American lady who was going on to Paris accompanied by her son; and, as she was very agreeable, I was glad when we all found ourselves together in the same railway compartment.